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Inbred Strains of Mice: FS


Inbr (Dn) 77. Fawn: b,cch,fr,p. Origin: Snell linkage testing stock to M.C Green to Eicher 1971, to Davisson 1983. Carries the pink-eyed dilution gene, p, which is derived from Asian mice of the Mus musculus type (see also strains 129/J, P/J and SJL) (Brilliant et al, 1994). Also carries sh1/sh1. Maint. by Dn.

Brilliant M. H., Ching A., Nakatsu Y., and Eicher E. M. (1994) The original pink-eyed dilution mutation (p) arose in asiatic mice: Implications for the H4 minor histocompatibility antigen, Myod1 regulation and the origin of inbred strains. Genetics 138, 203-211.

Updated 9 Apr. 1998
Michael FW Festing
MRC Toxicology Unit, Hodgkin Building,
University of Leicester, UK

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