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Inbred Strains of Mice: HLG


Inbr. >30 (1993). Albino, A,B,c,D. An inbred strain in 1938 at the Inst. of Radiology, Univ. of Freiburg. To Heiligernberg in 1945, then returned to Freiburg in 1950. In 1982 to Inst. of Radiation Biology, University Clinic Essen, Germany. Brother x sister mating started in 1985 by Dr. D. Buttner. Defined at 22 biochemical loci. High fat content, especially in older females. Good breeding performance. Used because of its synchrony in early embryonal development (Molls et al 1983). High incidence of spontaneous and radiation-induced congenital malformations (Pampfer and Streffer 1988). High incidence of gastroschisis, a herniation of the abdominal viscera with umbilical ring disruption and intestinal evisceration following X-ray exposure of the zygotes (Hillebrandt et al, 1996).

Hillebrandt S., Streffer C., and Muller W. U. (1996) Genetic analysis of the cause of gastroschisis in the HLG mouse strain. Mutation Research-Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis 372, 43-51.

Molls M., Zamboglu N., and Streffer C. (1983) A comparison of the cell kinetics of preimplantation mouse embryos from two different mouse strains. Cell Tissue Kinet. 16, 277-283.

Pampfer S. and Streffer C. (1988) Prenatal death and malformations after irradiation of mouse zygotes with neutrons or X-rays. Teratology 37, 599-607.

Updated 9 Apr. 1998
Michael FW Festing
MRC Toxicology Unit, Hodgkin Building,
University of Leicester, UK

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