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Inbred Strains of Mice: ICFW


Inbr: F37. Albino. Genet: c. Strain developed from outbred CFW stock by Festing in 1965.


Sensitive to Warfarin (2/12) (Lush and Arnold, 1975). Short sleeping time under hexobarbital anaesthetic (2/15 in males, 5/15 in females) (Lovell, 1976), short sleeping time under pentobarbitone anaesthetic (2/23), Lovell (1986). Good reproductive performance (2/25), with colony output 1.5 young/female/wk and litter size at weaning high at 6.1(4/25) (Festing, 1976a). Probably only exists as frozen embryos.

Lovell D.P. (1986) Variation in pentobarbitone sleeping time in mice. I. strain and sex differences. Lab. Anim. 20, 85-90.

Lush I. E. and Arnold C. J. (1975) High coumarin 7-hydroxylase activity does not protect mice against Warfarin. Heredity 35, 279-281.

Updated 9 Apr. 1998
Michael FW Festing
MRC Toxicology Unit, Hodgkin Building,
University of Leicester, UK

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