Inbred Strains
of Mice: ICGN
Inbr. F26 (Asano, 1993). Albino. Origin: Outbred ICR stock inbred by Ogura,Takano,
Yamamoto and Asano, Dept. of Veterinary Sci. NIH, Japan. All animals develop
glomerular nephritis (
Ogura et al 1989,
1990, 1991a,b). Initially, mice develop hyproteinemia and hypoalbuminemia
with a progressive rise in urinary protein. Later the concentrations of
total cholesterol, triglyceride and betalipoprotein increase. Finally
there is a rapid deterioration of renal function with high blood urea
nitrogen and creatinine levels (
Ogura et al,
Ogura A.,
Asano T., Matuda J., Nakagawa M., and Fukui M. (1989) Characteristics
of mutant mice (ICGN) with spontaneous renal lesions: a new model for
human nephrotic syndrome. Lab. Anim. 23, 169-174.
Ogura A.,
Asano T., Suzuki O., Yamamoto Y., Noguchi Y., Kawaguchi H., and Yamaguchi
Y. (1994) Hereditary nephrotic syndrome with progression to renal failure
in a mouse model (ICGN strain): Clinical study. Nephron 68,
Updated 9 Apr. 1998
Michael FW
MRC Toxicology Unit, Hodgkin Building,
University of Leicester,