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Inbred Strains of Mice: MOLD


Inbr 50 (1989). Origin: As for MOLC. Developed from wild Mus musculus molussinus without any intercrossing with laboratory mice. Differs from laboratory mice at many biochemical loci and also in skeletal morphology (Festing and Roderick 1989). Low retinal ganglion cell number (1/24) (Williams et al, 1996). Maint. by Rk.

Festing M. F. W. and Roderick T. H. (1989) Correlation between genetic distances based on single loci and on skeletal morphology in inbred mice. Genet. Res. 53, 45-55.

Williams R. W., Strom R. C., Rice D. S., and Goldowitz D. (1996) Genetic and environmental-control of variation in retinal ganglion-cell number in mice. Journal of Neuroscience 16, 7193-7205.

Updated 9 Apr. 1998
Michael FW Festing
MRC Toxicology Unit, Hodgkin Building,
University of Leicester, UK

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