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Inbred Strains of Mice: NFS


Inbr (N) 57. Albino a,c. As for NFR, but selectively bred for sensitivity to the action of histamine after treatment with Bordetella pertussis.Carries an incomplete proviral genome of endogenous mammary tumour virus (MMTV) on the Y chromosome (c.f. 4/10) (Nishikawa et al 1991). Susceptible to both acute and chronic cadmium toxicity (contrast BALB/c) (Abshire and Waalkes, 1994). A mutant substrain NFS/NJic has a mutation sld causing sublingual gland differentiation arrest (Kojima and Hata, 1988). When these mice are thymectomised at 3 days of age they develop autoimmune sialadenitis, a model of human Sjogren's disease (Hayashi et al, 1996).

Maint. by A,N.

Abshire M. K. and Waalkes M. P. (1994) Cadmium-induced oxidative tissue damage in mice: Role of mouse strain and tissue metallothionein levels. Toxic Substances Journal 13, 141-152.

Hayashi Y., Haneji N., Hamano H., Yanagi K., Takahashi M., and Ishimaru N. (1996) Effector mechanism of experimental autoimmune sialadenitis in the mouse model for primary Sjogren's syndrome. Cell. Immunol. 171, 217-225.

Kojima a and Hata M. (1988) New mutant: sublingual gland differentiation arrest in the NFS/N subline. Mouse N.L. 80, 147.

Nishikawa R., Okumoto M., Iwai M., Iwai Y., Takamori Y., Imai S., and Hilgers J. (1991) Incomplete proviral genome of mouse mammary tumour virus is present on chromosome Y of NIH Swiss and some genetically related mouse strains. Lab. Anim. 25, 4-8.

Updated 9 Apr. 1998
Michael FW Festing
MRC Toxicology Unit, Hodgkin Building,
University of Leicester, UK

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