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Inbred Strains of Mice: NOR1

NOR1/Lt (Reserved symbol, Lt)

Inbr F16. Albino. Origin: Accidental genetic outcross-backcross of NOD with C57BL/KsJ, followed by b x s mating (Prochazka et al (1992)


The strain is an insulin-resistant and diabetes-free strain which carries the diabetogenic H2g7 complex on chromosome 17. Although completely resistant to cyclophosphamide-induced diabetes, the mice have peripheral T-lymphocyte accumulation characteristic of NOD/Lt. Similarly, the peritoneal macrophages show the depressed interleukin-1 secretion seen in NOD, but the T-suppressor lymphocyte function is more robust. The strain may be regarded as an MHC-matched diabetes-resistant control strain for NOD/Lt (Prochazka et al 1992).

Prochazka M., Serreze D. V., Frankel W. N., and Leiter E. H. (1992) NOR/Lt mice: MHC-matched diabetes-resistant control strain for NOD mice. Diabetes 41, 98-106.

Updated 9 Apr. 1998
Michael FW Festing
MRC Toxicology Unit, Hodgkin Building,
University of Leicester, UK

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