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Inbred Strains of Mice: PHH


Inbr: f95 (wE). Grey. Genet: a, ln. Origin: Weir, from MacArthur outbred stock obtained from Butler 1949; b x s inbreeding with selection for high blood pH (Weir and Clark, 1955; Wolf, 1959).


Blood pH 7.48 _ 0.004, blood lactic acid 3.6 _ 0.2 umol/ml, CO2 output 5.90 _ 0.01 mg h-1 g-1 body weight, sex ratio 52.8 _ 1.00% males (Weir, 1962). Overall fertility low.

Weir J. A. and Clark R. D. (1955) Production of high and low blood-pH lines of mice by selection with inbreeding. J. Hered. 46, 125-132.

Weir J. A. (1962) Hereditary and environmental influences on the sex ratio of PHH and PHL mice. Genetics 47, 881-897.

Wolf H. G. (1959) Blood-pM differences in two inbred strains of mice. J. Hered. 50, 155-158.

Updated 9 Apr. 1998
Michael FW Festing
MRC Toxicology Unit, Hodgkin Building,
University of Leicester, UK

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