Inbred Strains
of Mice: RF
Inbr: F113 (J). Albino. Genet:
a, c. Origin: Furth 1928 from Rockefeller
Institute general-purpose stock. Transferred to Oak Ridge. History somewhat
High spontaneous bar pressing (1/14), high open-field activity (2/14) and
high social grooming during aggressive encounters (1/14), but low tail
rattling during such encounters (14/14) (
and Clark, 1968).
Life-span and spontaneous disease
Intermediate life-span in males (15/22 = 651 days) but short in females
(5/22 = 452 days) in conventional conditions. High gross tumour incidence
in males (4/22) (Storer, 1966). Necrotising
arteritis involving the aorta, its major branches and other arteries and
arterioles seen in 10-20% of aged mice. Disease may involve an autoimmune
mechanism (Upton et al., 1967., 1967).
Mean life- span 619_7 days. Leukaemia 66%, glomerulosclerosis 63% and
reticulum cell sarcoma 52% (Yuhas and Clapp,
1972). Spontaneous glomerular hyalinisation and glomerrnlosclerosis
develops at 8-20 months (Russell and Meier,
1966). Leukaemia 46% (Myers et al., 1970.,
Normal physiology and biochemistry
Low plasma cholesterol at 12 weeks (7/8), but intermediate by 24 weeks
(Weibust, 1973). High serum ceruloplasmin levels
(2/26 in males, 1/27 in females) (Meier and
MacPike, 1968). High systolic blood pressure (6/19) (Schlager and Weibust, 1967). Low plasma cholinesterase
activity (21/22) (Angel et al., 1967.,
1967). High liver tyrosine aminotransferase level in fasted mice (2/10)
(Blake, 1970). High kidney (1/12) and liver (2/12)
arylsulphatase activity (Daniel, 1976).
Large brain weight in females (15/18) (
Storer, 1967).
Small brain/body weight ratio (20/20) (
et al., 1973., 1973). Large brain weight (5/25) (
Roderick et al., 1973., 1973). Large neocortex (1/9) (
Wimer et al., 1969., 1969).
Resistant to skin ulceration by DMBA (cf. 9/22) (
et al., 1973., 1973). Sensitive to lethal effects of ozone (5/21)
Goldstein et al., 1973., 1973). Sensitive
to hyperbaric oxygen (5/18) (
Hill et al., 1968.,
1968). Resistant to X-irradiation as judged by the LD50 (3/8) (
Yuhas and Storer, 1969).
Resistant to experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (cf. 7/18) (
Levine and Sowinski, 1973). Erythrocytes have a low agglutinability
(cf. 11/25) (
Rubinstein et al., 1974.,
Encephalomyocarditis virus causes diabetes mellitus (cf. 7/14) (
Boucher et al., 1975., 1975).
High post-implantation loss of embryos (2/8) (
et al., 1971., 1971).
Angel C.
R., Mahin D. T., Farris R. D., and Woodward K. T. (1967) Heritability
of plasma cholinesterase activity in inbred mouse strains. Science
156, 529-530.
Blake R. L. (1970) Regulation
of liver tyrosine amino transferase activity in inbred strains and mutant
mice. I. Strain variance in fasting enzyme levels. Int. J. Biochem.
1, 361-370.
D. W., Hayashi K., Rosenthal J., and Notkins A. L. (1975) Virus-induced
diabetes mellitus. III. Influence of sex and strain of host. J. Infect.
Dis. 131, 462-466.
Daniel W. L. (1976)
Genetics of murine liver and kidney arylsulfatase B. Genetics
82, 477-491.
B. D., Lai L. Y., Ross S. R., and Cuzzi-Spada R. (1973) Susceptibility
of inbred mouse strains to ozone. Arch. Environ. Health 27,
Hill G. B.,
Osterhout S., and O'Fallon W. M. (1968) Variation in response to hyperbaric
oxygen among inbred strains of mice. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med.
129, 687-689.
A., Deknudt G., and Linden G. (1971) Ovulation and prenatal losses in
different strains of mice. Exp. Anim. (France) 4, 1-6.
S. and Sowinski R. (1973) Experimental allergic encephelomyelitis in inbred
and outbred mice. J. Immunol. 110, 139-143.
Meier H.
and MacPike A. D. (1968) Levels and heritability of serum ceruloplasmin
activity in inbred strains of mice. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med.
128, 1185-1190.
Myers D.
D., Meier H., and Huebner R. J. (1970) Prevalence of murine C-type RNA
virus group specific antigen in inbred strains of mice. Life Sci.
9, 1071-1080.
T. H., Wimer R. E., Wimer C. C., and Schwartzkroin P. A. (1973) Genetic
and phenotypic variation in weight of brain and spinal cord between inbred
strains of mice. Brain Res. 64, 345-353.
P., Liu N., Strenn E. W., and Decary F. (1974) Electrophoretic mobility
and agglutinability of red blood cells: a `new' polymorphism in mice.
J. Exp. Med. 139, 313-322.
E. S. and Meier H. (1966) Constitutional diseases, in Biology of the
Laboratory Mouse, 2nd. ed. (Green E. L., ed), pp. 571-587. McGraw-Hill,
New York.
G. and Dickie M. M. (1967) Spontaneous mutations and mutation rates in
the house mouse. Genetics 57, 319-330.
C. H. and Clark L. H. (1968) Interstrain differences in aggressive behaviour
and exploratory activity of inbred mice. Commun. Behav. Biol. Part
A 1, 49-59.
Storer J. B. (1966)
Longevity and gross pathology at death in 22 inbred strains of mice. J.
Gerontol. 21, 404-409.
Storer J. B. (1967)
Relation of lifespan to brain weight, body weight and metabolic rate among
inbred mouse strains. Exp. Gerontol. 2, 173-182.
P. E., Hutton J. J., and Taylor B. A. (1973) Genetic relationship between
aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase inducibility and chemical carcinogen induced
skin ulceration in mice. Genetics 74, 655-659.
Upton A.
C., Conklin J., Cosgrove G., Gude W. D., and Darden E. B. (1967) Necrotizing
polyarteritis in aging RF mice. Lab. Invest. 16, 483-487.
Weibust R. S. (1973)
Inheritance of plasma cholesterol levels in mice. Genetics 73,
Wimer R.
E., Wimer C. C., and Roderick T. H. (1969) Genetic variability in forebrain
structures between inbred strains of mice. Brain Res. 16,
Yuhas J.
M. and Storer J. B. (1969) On mouse strain differences in radiation resistance:
hematopoietic death and the endogenous colony-forming unit. Radiation
Res. 39, 608-622.
Yuhas J.
M. and Clapp N. K. (1972) Incidence of leukemia and nonlymphatic tumors
in mice with glomerulosclerosis and allied disorders. J. Natl. Cancer
Inst. 48, 367-373.
Updated 9 Apr. 1998
Michael FW
MRC Toxicology Unit, Hodgkin Building,
University of Leicester,