Inbred Strains
of Mice: STS
Inbr (A) 100. Albino:
c. Origin: Muhlbock, from albino mice from
the Hyg. Inst. Zurich in 1955.
In contrast with five other strains, STS is resistant to mammary tumour
induction by hypophysial isografts (
van der Gugten
et al 1985). No mammary tumours but lung tumours in both sexes; closely
related to LIS/A and LTS/A. Leukosis 8% (
and Galesloot, 1973). High preference for sweet tasting substances
(saccharin, sucrose, dulcin and acesulfame, averaged) (3/26) (
1988). Carries an incomplete proviral genome of endogenous mammary
tumour virus (MMTV) on the Y chromosome (c.f. 4/10) (
Nishikawa et al 1991). Higher proliferative response in
the mixed lymphocyte culture than BALB/c when tested with cells from eleven
other mouse strains with 10 MHC types (
et al, 1996).
J. and Galesloot J. (1973) Genetic control of MuLV-gs expression in crosses
between high and low leukemia incidence strains. Int. J. Cancer
11, 780-793.
Holan V.,
Lipoldova M., and Demant P. (1996) Identical genetic-control of MLC reactivity
to different MHC incompatibilities, independent of production of and response
to IL-2. Immunogenet. 44, 27-35.
Lush I.M. (1988) The genetics
of tasting in mice. VI. Saccharin, acesulfame, dulcin and sucrose. Genet.
Res. 53, 95-99.
R., Okumoto M., Iwai M., Iwai Y., Takamori Y., Imai S., and Hilgers J.
(1991) Incomplete proviral genome of mouse mammary tumour virus is present
on chromosome Y of NIH Swiss and some genetically related mouse strains.
Lab. Anim. 25, 4-8.
van der Gugten
A. A., Ropcke G., van Nie R., and Hilgers J. (1985) Mouse strain (STS/A)
resistant to mammary tumor induction by hypophysial isografts. Cancer
Res. 45, 3448-3453.
Updated 9 Apr. 1998
Michael FW
MRC Toxicology Unit, Hodgkin Building,
University of Leicester,