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Inbred Strains of Mice: STS


Inbr (A) 100. Albino: c. Origin: Muhlbock, from albino mice from the Hyg. Inst. Zurich in 1955.


In contrast with five other strains, STS is resistant to mammary tumour induction by hypophysial isografts (van der Gugten et al 1985). No mammary tumours but lung tumours in both sexes; closely related to LIS/A and LTS/A. Leukosis 8% (Hilgers and Galesloot, 1973). High preference for sweet tasting substances (saccharin, sucrose, dulcin and acesulfame, averaged) (3/26) (Lush 1988). Carries an incomplete proviral genome of endogenous mammary tumour virus (MMTV) on the Y chromosome (c.f. 4/10) (Nishikawa et al 1991). Higher proliferative response in the mixed lymphocyte culture than BALB/c when tested with cells from eleven other mouse strains with 10 MHC types (Holan et al, 1996).

Hilgers J. and Galesloot J. (1973) Genetic control of MuLV-gs expression in crosses between high and low leukemia incidence strains. Int. J. Cancer 11, 780-793.

Holan V., Lipoldova M., and Demant P. (1996) Identical genetic-control of MLC reactivity to different MHC incompatibilities, independent of production of and response to IL-2. Immunogenet. 44, 27-35.

Lush I.M. (1988) The genetics of tasting in mice. VI. Saccharin, acesulfame, dulcin and sucrose. Genet. Res. 53, 95-99.

Nishikawa R., Okumoto M., Iwai M., Iwai Y., Takamori Y., Imai S., and Hilgers J. (1991) Incomplete proviral genome of mouse mammary tumour virus is present on chromosome Y of NIH Swiss and some genetically related mouse strains. Lab. Anim. 25, 4-8.

van der Gugten A. A., Ropcke G., van Nie R., and Hilgers J. (1985) Mouse strain (STS/A) resistant to mammary tumor induction by hypophysial isografts. Cancer Res. 45, 3448-3453.

Updated 9 Apr. 1998
Michael FW Festing
MRC Toxicology Unit, Hodgkin Building,
University of Leicester, UK

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