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Inbred Strains of Mice: VM

VM and VM-Sincs7

Inbr. 81 (Dk). Albino. Genet. a,b,c,d., H2b, Mlsa. Origin: Inbred as `5M' from Moredun Inst. stock (Dickinson and Mackay, 1964), and name later changed to conform with nomenclature rules (Dickinson et al., 1968., 1968). Congenic mouse strains VM/Dk and VM-Sincs7/Dk differ at the Sinc gene, which controls the incubation period of scrapie in mice; VM/Dk mice are Sincp7p7 and VM-Sincs7/Dk mice are Sincs7s7. Restriction fragment length polymorphism and DNA sequencing analysis demonstrated that the PrP genes also differ in these strains (Hunter et al 1992)


Long incubation of ME 7 scrapie agent and short incubation of 22A compared with most other strains (Dickinson and Meikle, 1971). Spontaneous astrocytomas occur at 1.5% incidence. Tumours are largely confined to white matter areas, and have not been seen in sixteen other strains. Also has high incidence (1/6) of developmental defects, including cleft palate, subcutaneous blebs, facial and tail defects and cranial meningocoele (Fraser, 1971), including spina bifida (Dickinson, 1977).

Dickinson A. G. and Mackay J. M. K. (1964) Genetical control of the incubation period in mice of the neurological disease, scrapie. Heredity 19, 279-288.

Dickinson A. G., Meikle V. M. H., and Fraser H. (1968) Identification of a gene which controls the incubation period of some strains of scrapie agent in mice. J. Comp. Pathol. 78, 293-299.

Dickinson A. G. and Meikle V. M. H. (1971) Host -genotype and agent effects in scrapie incubation: change in allelic interaction with different strains of agent. Molec. Gen. Genet. 112, 73-79.

Fraser H. (1971) Astrocytomas in an inbred mouse strain. J. Pathol. 103, 266-270.

Hunter N., Dann J. C., Bennett A. D., Somerville R. A., McConnell I., and Hope J. (1992) Are Sinc and the PrP gene congruent? Evidence from PrP gene analysis in Sinc congenic mice. J. Gen. Virol. 73, 2751-2755.

Updated 9 Apr. 1998
Michael FW Festing
MRC Toxicology Unit, Hodgkin Building,
University of Leicester, UK

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