Inbred Strains
of Mice: VY
Inbr (Nctr) 74. Variable yellow to agouti and black:
a/a. Origin: The
Avy mutation
occurred in C3H/HeJ in 1960. Crossed with a C57BL/6J male, then backcrossed
to C57BL/6J. One N3 male and two N1 females from M.M.Dickie, Jackson Lab.
to Inst. Cancer Research in 1962. These were mated and the offspring sib
mated. Maintained by
Avy/a, a/a
matings since then. To the Nctr in 1972 at F35. Caesarian derived and
fostered on C3Hf in 1977 at F47. Pseudoagouti phenotype about 10% of
mice. Spontaneous hepatocellular tumours in 24% of male yellow mice but
only 13% of black mice. Phenotypically yellow mice differ from agouti
ones in a range of biological properties (
et al 1990). Maint. by Nctr.
Wolff G.
L., Greenman D. L., Frigeri L. G., Morrissey R. L., Suber R. L., and Felton
R. P. (1990) Diabetogenic response to streptozotocin varies among obese
yellow and among lean agouti (BALB/c x VY)F1 hybrid mice. Proc. Soc.
Exp. Biol. Med. 193, 155-163.
Updated 9 Apr. 1998
Michael FW
MRC Toxicology Unit, Hodgkin Building,
University of Leicester,