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Inbred Strains of Mice: WB


Inbr (J) 119. Black or black-eyed white: a,W. Origin: W (dominant spotting) heterozygotes from S.J.Holman and S.G.Waelsch. Sib-mating started in 1948.


WW homozygotes are anaemic, sterile, lack pigmentation in coat; heterozygotes have normal blood picture and fertility, but white ventral spotting; anaemics die at approximately 11 days. Many other anaemia-producing mutant alleles are maintained congenic with this strain. Resistant to lethal effects of ozone (19/22) (Goldstein et al., 1973., 1973). High lymphocyte phytohaemagglutinin response (4/43) (Heiniger et al., 1975., 1975). Abnormal azygos vein which varied from a single unpaired vein on the right side that connected to the right anterior vena cava through bilaterally symmetrical and paired veins to the expected unpaired vein on the left side found in most strains (Biddle et al 1991). Develop a high frequency of subcutaneous edema in day 15 fetuses when mothers are treated with acetazolamide. A transient edema is also seen in 56% of control mice. The condition appears to be due to more than one gene (Biddle 1990). Carry a single recessive gene different from that found in BALB/cBy and C57BL/6J, causing age-related hearing loss (Willott et al, 1995).

Biddle F. G., Jung J. D., and Eales B. A. (1991) Genetically determined variation in the azygos vein in the mouse. Teratology 44, 675-683.

Biddle FG (1990) Genetically determined transient edema found in the WB/ReJ mouse strain in a teratogenic survey with acetazolamide. Teratology 42, 659-670.

Goldstein B. D., Lai L. Y., Ross S. R., and Cuzzi-Spada R. (1973) Susceptibility of inbred mouse strains to ozone. Arch. Environ. Health 27, 412-413.

Heiniger H. J., Taylor B. A., Hards E. J., and Meier H. (1975) Heritability of the phytohaemagglutinin responsiveness of lymphocytes and its relationship to leukemogenesis. Cancer Res. 35, 825-831.

Willott J. F., Erway L. C., Archer J. R., and Harrison D. E. (1995) Genetics of age-related hearing loss in mice. II. Strain differences and effects of caloric restriction on cochlear pathology and evoked response thresholds. Hearing Research 88, 143-155.

Updated 9 Apr. 1998
Michael FW Festing
MRC Toxicology Unit, Hodgkin Building,
University of Leicester, UK

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