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Inbred Strains of Mice: YS


Inbr (Nctr) 84. Mottled yellow, pseudoagouti,black, piebald, depending on genotype. Avy/a, or a/a,s. Origin: Jackson Laboratory to Chase in 1942. Crossed to get mice with a B/b and ss genotype to develop a strain designated Yz57 . Chase to Inst. of Cancer Research 1959 at F38-39. In 1962 outcrossed to an N3 male from a (C3H/HeJxC57BL/6)xC57BL/6 cross. Avy/a mice were backcrossed to the YS strain to N35. To Nctr in 1972, then caesarian derived and fostered on C3Hf.


Strain has impared glucose tolerance on which the impairment of glucose tolerance due to obesity of Avy/a mice is superimposed. High level of serum-glutamyltranspeptidase activity. Pseudoagouti phenotype in about 16% of Avy/a mice. Hepatoma incidence in males at 12-16 months: 11% in Ay/a, 3% in a/a. Large testes weight (1/8) (Shire and Bartke, 1972). Maint. by Nctr.

Shire J. G. M. and Bartke A. (1972) Strain differences in testicular weight and spermatogenesis with special reference to C57BL/10J and DBA/2J mice. J. Endocrinol. 55, 163-171.

Updated 9 Apr. 1998
Michael FW Festing
MRC Toxicology Unit, Hodgkin Building,
University of Leicester, UK

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