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Inbred Strains of Rats: AUG


Inbr: F85 (Pit).

Colour: Dilute hooded.

Genet: h, p.

Origin: Derived from one of the US "August" sublines in 1951 and distributed by the Chester Beatty Institute, Pollards Wood, England.


Susceptible to experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (Hughes and Stedronska 1973). Resistant to the induction of autoimmune thyroiditis according to Rose (1975), but susceptible according to Penhale et al (1975a,b.). Low antibody response to streptococcal group A carbohydrate; not linked to the MHC (Stankus and Leslie, 1976). Long gestation period (2/8) (Peters 1986)

Hughes R. A. C. and Stedronska J. (1973) The susceptibility of rat strains to experimental allergic encephalomyelitis. Immunol. 24, 879-884.

Peters A. (1986) Length of gestation period in eight inbred strains and three outbred stocks of rats. Animal Technology 37, 109-112.

Rose N. R. (1975) Differing responses of inbred rat strains in experimental autoimmune thyroiditis. Cell. Immunol. 18, 360-364.

Stankus R. P. and Leslie G. A. (1976) Rat interstrain antibody response and crossidiotypic specificity. Immunogenet. 3, 65-73.

Updated 9 Apr. 1998
Michael FW Festing
MRC Toxicology Unit, Hodgkin Building,
University of Leicester, UK

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