Inbred Strains
of Rats: BH
Inbr. F?+17 (Ztm 1988).
Colour: Black-hooded,
Origin: D. Wilson, University of Pennsylvania from unknown stock. To Dml,
who transferred stock to University of Iowa in 1973. Dml to Won to Ztm
in 1973.
Good reproductive performance; average litter size 7.0_3.2 young (Gartner,
unpublished). Has been used with LEW and congenic strains to define RT6
and RT7 (
Wonigeit 1979, Lubaroff et al 1979, Ely et al
1983, Lubaroff et al 1985). Resistant
to the induction of experimeental allergic encephalomyelitis due to genes
unlinked to the MHC (
Gasser et al 1978, Wonigeit 1979,
Gasser et al 1983). Glomerular inflitration rate 2.44 ml/min and renal
plasma flow of 3.55 ml/min in BH compared in several strains (
Hackbarth et al 1981). Haematology also studied by Hackbarth
et al (
1983). RT1
lv3 (
Wonigeit et al 1979). Females are extremely
sensitive to pentobarbital, which is lethal at 40mg/Kg (
Vieregge et al 1987).
Ely J. M., Greiner
D. L., Lubaroff D. M., and Fitch F. W. (1983) Characterization of monoclonal
antibodies that define rat T cell alloantigens. J. Immunol. 130,
D. L., Balyannis S. J., and Gonatas N. K. (1978) Influence of MHC-linked
and non-MHC-linked genes on susceptibility of rats to experimental allergic
encephalomyelitis, in Genetic control of autoimmune disease (Rose
N. R., Bigazzi P. E., and Warner N. L., eds), pp. 355-364. Elsevier-North
Holland, New York.
D. L., Hickey W. F., and Gonatas N. K. (1983) The genes for nonsusceptibility
to EAE in the Le-R and BH strains are not linked to RT1. Immunogenet.
17, 441-444.
H., Baunack E., and Winn M. (1981) Strain differences in kidney function
of inbred rats: 1. Glomerular filtration rate and renal plasma flow. Lab.
Anim. 15, 125-128.
H., Burow K., and Schimansky G. (1983) Strain differences in inbred rats:
Influence of strain and diet on haematological traits. Lab. Anim.
17, 7-12.
D. M., Rasmussen G. T., and Hunt H. D. (1979) Comparative studies of T-lymphocyte
antigens in the rat: Are ART, Ly, Pta and Ag-F the same? Transplant.
Proc. 11, 1642-1645.
D. M., Hunt H. D., and Rasmussen G. T. (1985) Evidence from capping experiments
for independence of the RT7 alloantigen and the leucocyte common antigen
in the rat. J. Immunogenet. 12, 239-245.
V. T., Hackbarth H., and Bercher P. (1987) Die Pentobarbitalschlafzeit
zur pharmakogenetischen Differenzierung von Ratteninzuchtstammen. Z.
Versuchstierk. 29, 209-217.
K., Hedrich H. J., and Günther E. (1979) Serologic and histogenetic
analysis of apparently identical RT1 haplotypes. Transplant. Proc.
11, 1584-1587.
Wonigeit K. (1979)
Characterization of the RT-Ly-1 and RT-Ly-2 alloantigenic systems by congenic
rat strains. Transplant. Proc. 11, 1631-1635.
Updated 9 Apr. 1998
Michael FW
MRC Toxicology Unit, Hodgkin Building,
University of Leicester,