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Inbred Strains of Rats: BH


Inbr. F?+17 (Ztm 1988).

Colour: Black-hooded,


Origin: D. Wilson, University of Pennsylvania from unknown stock. To Dml, who transferred stock to University of Iowa in 1973. Dml to Won to Ztm in 1973.


Good reproductive performance; average litter size 7.0_3.2 young (Gartner, unpublished). Has been used with LEW and congenic strains to define RT6 and RT7 (Wonigeit 1979, Lubaroff et al 1979, Ely et al 1983, Lubaroff et al 1985). Resistant to the induction of experimeental allergic encephalomyelitis due to genes unlinked to the MHC (Gasser et al 1978, Wonigeit 1979, Gasser et al 1983). Glomerular inflitration rate 2.44 ml/min and renal plasma flow of 3.55 ml/min in BH compared in several strains (Hackbarth et al 1981). Haematology also studied by Hackbarth et al (1983). RT1lv3 (Wonigeit et al 1979). Females are extremely sensitive to pentobarbital, which is lethal at 40mg/Kg (Vieregge et al 1987).

Ely J. M., Greiner D. L., Lubaroff D. M., and Fitch F. W. (1983) Characterization of monoclonal antibodies that define rat T cell alloantigens. J. Immunol. 130, 2798-2803.

Gasser D. L., Balyannis S. J., and Gonatas N. K. (1978) Influence of MHC-linked and non-MHC-linked genes on susceptibility of rats to experimental allergic encephalomyelitis, in Genetic control of autoimmune disease (Rose N. R., Bigazzi P. E., and Warner N. L., eds), pp. 355-364. Elsevier-North Holland, New York.

Gasser D. L., Hickey W. F., and Gonatas N. K. (1983) The genes for nonsusceptibility to EAE in the Le-R and BH strains are not linked to RT1. Immunogenet. 17, 441-444.

Hackbarth H., Baunack E., and Winn M. (1981) Strain differences in kidney function of inbred rats: 1. Glomerular filtration rate and renal plasma flow. Lab. Anim. 15, 125-128.

Hackbarth H., Burow K., and Schimansky G. (1983) Strain differences in inbred rats: Influence of strain and diet on haematological traits. Lab. Anim. 17, 7-12.

Lubaroff D. M., Rasmussen G. T., and Hunt H. D. (1979) Comparative studies of T-lymphocyte antigens in the rat: Are ART, Ly, Pta and Ag-F the same? Transplant. Proc. 11, 1642-1645.

Lubaroff D. M., Hunt H. D., and Rasmussen G. T. (1985) Evidence from capping experiments for independence of the RT7 alloantigen and the leucocyte common antigen in the rat. J. Immunogenet. 12, 239-245.

Vieregge V. T., Hackbarth H., and Bercher P. (1987) Die Pentobarbitalschlafzeit zur pharmakogenetischen Differenzierung von Ratteninzuchtstammen. Z. Versuchstierk. 29, 209-217.

Wonigeit K., Hedrich H. J., and Günther E. (1979) Serologic and histogenetic analysis of apparently identical RT1 haplotypes. Transplant. Proc. 11, 1584-1587.

Wonigeit K. (1979) Characterization of the RT-Ly-1 and RT-Ly-2 alloantigenic systems by congenic rat strains. Transplant. Proc. 11, 1631-1635.

Updated 9 Apr. 1998
Michael FW Festing
MRC Toxicology Unit, Hodgkin Building,
University of Leicester, UK

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