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Inbred Strains of Rats: BIL

BIL/1 and BIL/2

Inbr. F30 (Pit, 1992).

Colour: Dilute cinnamon-hooded.

Genet: ?.

Origin: University of Pittsburgh from a mutation in a colony of unknown background held by the NIH.


BIL/1 carries growth and reproduction mutation (grc) which is also associated with incresed sensitivity to chemical carcinogens and is associated with the RT1 locus, and maintained by forced heterozygosity (RT1l,n). It is due to a 70kb deletion within the RT1 complex, and defects are probably due to loss of genes in this segment of chromosome. BIL/2 is a normal control (Vardimon et al, 1992).

Vardimon D., Locker J., Kunz H. W., and Gill T. J. (1992) Physical mapping of the MHC and Grc by pulse field electrophoresis. Immunogenet. 35, 166-175.

Updated 9 Apr. 1998
Michael FW Festing
MRC Toxicology Unit, Hodgkin Building,
University of Leicester, UK

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