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Inbred Strains of Rats: LETL


Inbr. F20 (1989).

Colour: Black hooded.

Genet. a, h.

Origin: A rat with spontaneous polyurea, polyphagia and polydipsia was found in a colony of outbred Long Evans rats purchased from Charles River in 1982. Selective breeding for diabetes with brother x sister mating was subsequently started at the Tokushima Research Institute, Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Japan


About 30% of rats develop insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Onset is abrupt at 8 to 20 weeks, of equal severity in both sexes, and the animals are not obese. Clinical symptoms include hyperglycemia, glycosurea, ketonia, polyurea polydipsia and polyphagia. There is destruction of the pancreatic ß cells and lymphocytic infiltration of the submaxillary and lacrimal glands. There is no significant T lymphopenia, but there is lymphocytic infliltration into the salivary and lacrimal glands. Genetic analysis suggests that the condition involves at least two genes, one of which is linked to RT1u. A non-diabetic control strain LETO, has been developed from the same base population. The strain has been characterised at 21 marker loci (Kawano et al 1989, Kawano et al, 1991)

Kawano K., Hirishima T., Mori S., Abe F., Kurosumi M., and Saitoh Y. (1989) A new rat strain with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, "LETL". Rat News Lett. 22, 14-15.

Kawano K., Hirashima T., Mori S., Saitoh Y., Kurosumi M., and Natori T. (1991) New inbred strain of Long-Evans Tokushima lean rats with IDDM without lymphopenia. Diabetes 40, 1375-1381.

Updated 9 Apr. 1998
Michael FW Festing
MRC Toxicology Unit, Hodgkin Building,
University of Leicester, UK

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