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Inbred Strains of Rats: MNS


Inbr. F44.

Colour: Albino,

Genet. c.

Origin: "Milan Normotensive Strain": Outbred Wistar rats with brother x sister mating and selection for low systolic blood pressure as a normotensive control for MHS. (Bianchi et al 1974).


reviewed in relation to MHS by Bianchi et al (1984). At weaning, mean systolic blood pressure not different from that of MHS at about 119 mmHg, but by about 50 days the mean systolic blood pressure has only risen to 131 mmHg compared with about 170 mmHg in MHS. See MHS for more details. An age-related glomerulosclerosis occurs in this strain, but not in MHS (Pugliese et al, 1995). This can be ameliorated but not prevented by a diet enriched in fish oil (Goldstein et al, 1995).

Bianchi G., Fox U., and Imbasciati E. (1974) Development of a new strain of spontaneously hypertensive rats. Life Sci. 14, 339-347.

Bianchi G., Ferrari P., and Barber B. R. (1984) The Milan hypertensive strain, in Handbook of Hypertension Vol. 4. Experimental and genetic models of hypertension (de Jong W., ed), pp. 328-349. Elsevier, Amsterdam, New York, Oxford.

Goldstein D. J., Wheeler D. C., Sandstrom D. J., Kawachi H., and Salant D. J. (1995) Fish-oil ameliorates renal injury and hyperlipidemia in the Milan Normotensive rat model of focal glomerulosclerosis. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 6, 1468-1475.

Pugliese F., Ferrario R. G., Ciavolella A., Tamburin M., Benatti L., Casini A., Patrono C., and Salvati P. (1995) Growth abnormalities in cultured mesangial cells from rats with spontaneous glomerulosclerosis. Kidney International 47, 106-113.

Updated 9 Apr. 1998
Michael FW Festing
MRC Toxicology Unit, Hodgkin Building,
University of Leicester, UK

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