Inbred Strains
of Rats: P77PMC
Colour: Albino,
Genet. c.
Origin: Wistar rats from Beijing Medical College in 1977.
70% incidence of audigenic seizures, and also susceptible to the development
of hyperthermia-induced (45
oC) convulsions, after which they
are resistant to audiogenic seizures but still more susceptible to kainate-induced
limbic seizures than controls (
Zhao et al 1985).
Cholecystokinin octapeptide (CCK-8) decreases seizure susceptibility with
a depression of release of K+-stimulated GABA in cerebral cortex synaptosomes
Wu and Lin, 1992,
Zhang et al, 1992). A low cerebral content of CCK-8 may account for
the high susceptibility to audiogenic seizures (
et al, 1993, Chen et al, 1994)
Chen X. H.,
Han J. S., and Huang L. T. (1994) Cck receptor antagonist L-365,260 potentiated
electroacupuncture analgesia in Wistar rats but not in audiogenic epileptic
rats. Chinese Medical Journal 107, 113-118.
Wu X. R. and Lin
P. X. (1992) Effects of cholecystokinin octapeptide on genetically-determined
seizure susceptibility. Chinese Medical Journal 105, 110-115.
Zhang L.
X., Wu M., and Han J. S. (1992) Suppression of audiogenic epileptic seizures
by intracerebral injection of a CCK gene vector. Neuroreport
3, 700-702.
Zhang L.
X., Zhou Y., Du Y., and Han J. S. (1993) Effect of CCK-8 on audiogenic
epileptic seizure in P77PMC rats. Neuropeptides 25, 73-76.
Zhao D., Wu
X., Pei Y., and Zuo Q. (1985) Long-term effects of febrile convulsions
on seizure susceptibility in P77PMC rat-resistant to acoustic stimuli
but susceptible to kainate-induced seizures. Exp. Neurol. 88,
Updated 9 Apr. 1998
Michael FW
MRC Toxicology Unit, Hodgkin Building,
University of Leicester,