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Inbred Strains of Rats: PVG


Inbr. F70+?.

Colour: Black hooded.

Genet. a,C, h.

Origin: Kings College of Household Science, to Lister Institute, to Virol, to Glaxo 1946. Inbred by Glaxo. A substrain PVG/cBkl, which is C6 complement deficient due, presumably, to a spontaneous mutation has been described. In good environmental conditions it is perfectly healthy (Leenaerts et al, 1994).


Docile and good breeding performance. Low defaecation and activity in an open field in Broadhurst's subline. Haematology; Low RBC (1/7), Hb (1/7), PCV (1/7), WBC (1/7) high MCV (7/7), MCH (7/7), Lovell et al (1981). Resistant to experimental allergic encephaloymelitis (Hughes and Stedronska 1973). Resistant to the induction of autoimmune thyroiditis (Rose 1975). Susceptible to the development of Mycobacterially induced adjuvent arthritis (Harbuz et al, 1992). Congenic strain PVG.RT1u is resistant to type II collagen-induced arthritis (Morgan et al, 1992).

Suceptible to infection by Entamoeba histolytica (Neal and Harris 1975). Lower incidence of polyspermia than in WAG (Braden 1958). A subline with a chromosome marker analogous to the CBA-T6 mouse strain has been developed by Howard (1971), and PVG is used as the genetic background strain for a number of RT1 and other congenic strains (eg Chisholm et al 1977, Hunt and Fowler 1981). Short gestation period (2/8) (Peters 1986). Resistant to the development of glomerular sclerosis following unilateral nephrectomy, in contrast to Wistar and most other rat strains (Grond et al 1986). Moderately sensitive to the development of experimental glomerulonephritis following injection of nephritogenic antigen from bovine renal basement membrane (Naito et al, 1991)

Resistant (4/4) to ocular infection with herpes simplex virus with 60% survival after infection with 104 plaque forming units. LEW was relatively susceptible; all died after infection with 4x102 pfu (Nicholls et al, 1994). Develops less inflammation than AO following injection of and E1-deleted non-replicating human adenovirus type 5 vector (Byrnes et al, 1995)

Susceptible to tissue injury following dosing with 1.0 or 1.33 g/kg of sodium chloride with 80% submucosal oedema compared with only 10% in Sprague-Dawley (Fraser et al, 1992).

Braden A. W. H. (1958) Strain differences in the incidence of polyspermia in rats after delayed mating. Fert. Steril. 9, 243-246.

Byrnes A. P., Rusby J. E., Wood M. J. A., and Charlton H. M. (1995) Adenovirus gene-transfer causes inflammation in the brain. Neuroscience 66, 1015-1024.

Fraser A. G., Debnam E. S., Dhillon A. P., and Pounder R. E. (1992) Gastric epithelial-cell proliferation and histological damage after hypertonic sodium-chloride - the effect of variation in the strain of rat. International Journal of Experimental Pathology 73, 241-250.

Grond J., Beukers J. Y. B., Shilthuis M. S., Weening J. J., and Elema J. D. (1986) Analysis of renal structural and functional features in two rat strains with a different susceptibility to glomerular sclerosis. Lab. Invest. 54, 77-83.

Harbuz M. S., Rees R. G., Eckland D., Jessop D. S., Brewerton D., and Lightman S. L. (1992) Paradoxical responses of hypothalamic corticotropin-releasing factor (crf) messenger-ribonucleic-acid (messenger-RNA) and crf-41 peptide and adenohypophyseal proopiomelanocortin messenger-RNA during chronic inflammatory stress. Endocrinol. 130, 1394-1400.

Howard J. C. (1971) A histocompatible chromosome marker system in the laboratory rat Rattus norvegicus. Transplant. 12, 95-97.

Hughes R. A. C. and Stedronska J. (1973) The susceptibility of rat strains to experimental allergic encephalomyelitis. Immunol. 24, 879-884.

Hunt S. V. and Fowler M. H. (1981) A repopulation assay for B and T lymphocyte stem cells employing radiation chimaeras. Cell Tissue Kinet. 14, 445-464.

Leenaerts P. L., Stad R. K., Hall B. M., Vandamme B. J., Vanrenterghem Y., and Daha M. R. (1994) Hereditary C6 deficiency in a strain of PVG/c rats. Clin. Exp. Immunol. 97, 478-482.

Lovell D. P., Archer R. K., Riley J., and Morgan R. K. (1981) Variation in haematological parameters among inbred strains. Lab. Anim. 15, 243-249.

Morgan K., Reevestephenson J. O., Denton J., and Freemont A. J. (1992) Type-II collagen induced arthritis - comparison of histological- changes in arthritis-susceptible and arthritis-resistant rats. Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 10, 109-116.

Naito I., Kagawa M., Sado Y., and Okigaki T. (1991) Strain specific responses of inbred rats on the severity of experimental autoimmune glomerulonephritis - presence of a broad- spectrum of the susceptibility. International Journal of Immunopathology and Pharmacology 4, 145-154.

Neal R. A. and Harris W. G. (1975) Attempts to infect inbred strains of rats and mice with Entamoeba histolytica. Trans. R. Soc. Trop. Med. Hyg. 69, 429-430.

Nicholls S. M., Benylles A., Shimeld C., Easty D. L., and Hill T. J. (1994) Ocular infection with herpes-simplex virus in several strains of rat. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 35, 3260-3267.

Peters A. (1986) Length of gestation period in eight inbred strains and three outbred stocks of rats. Animal Technology 37, 109-112.

Rose N. R. (1975) Differing responses of inbred rat strains in experimental autoimmune thyroiditis. Cell. Immunol. 18, 360-364.

Updated 9 Apr. 1998
Michael FW Festing
MRC Toxicology Unit, Hodgkin Building,
University of Leicester, UK

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