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Inbred Strains of Rats: WAG


Inbr. 138.

Colour: Albino,

Genet. a, c, h or H, depending on subline; most commonly a, c, h.

Origin: AL Bacharach, Glaxo Ltd 1924 from Wistar stock. Note that the presence of different coat color alleles in some sublines implies that this strain may have become genetically contaminated at some time in the past. It is therefore important that the subline should be stated carefully in published work. WAG/Cpb clearly differs from other sublines at many loci (Festing and Bender 1984).



Short latency to emerge from cage into familiar (4/12 males, 3/12 feamles) and novel environments (2/12 males, 3/12 females) (Harrington 1971a). High open-field ambulation (2/12) (Harrington 1972). High wheel activity (2/12) (Harrington 1971b). Low open-field defecation (7/8) but high ambulation and shock-avoidance learning (1/8) (Rick and Fulker 1972).

Biochemistry and physiology

Low brain GABA (Rick et al 1971). Rij substrain develops spontaneously occurring spike-wave paroxysms on the electroencephalogram, accompanied by clinical phenomena resembling human 'petit mal' or absence epilepsy. A second type of novel wave was not associated with any behavioural correlates and was seen exclusively during wakefulness (van Luijtelaar and Coenen 1986, Coenen and van Luijtelaar 1987, Coenen et al 1992, van Luijtelaar and Coenen 1989). The condition appears to be due to more than one dominantly-acting genes (Peeters et al 1990, 1992), and follows definite 24 hour rhythms (Van Luijrelaar and Coenen, 1988), being particularly marked during light slow wave sleep and passive wakefulness (Drinkenburg et al 1991). The response to anti-epileptic drugs corresponds to that of human absence epilepsy (Peeters et al 1988). In contrast, the ACI strain was almost free of spike-wave discharges, while BN/Bi, B and G were intermediate (Inoue et al 1990). Some solvents for antiepileptic drugs have proepileptic potencies in this strain (Peeters et al, 1992). Blockage ofAMPA andkainate receptors led to an antiepileptic effect without inducing behavioural alterations (Peeters et al, 1994). A low dose of fentanyl (0.01mg/kg) with fluanisone (0.5 mg/kg) caused a large increase in epileptic activity, which was larger than with higher doses (Inoue et al, 1994).

Lifespan and spontaneous disease

Endocardial disease 4% at an average age of 31 months (Boorman et al 1973). Tumours: medullary thyroid carcinoma 27%, chromophobe adenoma of the pituitary 68%, adrenal cortical adenoma 29%, pheochromocytoma 2%, islet cell adenoma 1%. Mean life-span more than 31 months in females and 22 months in males (Boorman et al 1972). Mean life-span 31 months in females with pituitary tumours found in 69% of females. Other common tumours include medullary thyroid carcinoma 40%, adrenal cortical adenoma 29%, fibroadenoma of breast 21% with 19 other types of tumour found in 290 animals (Boorman and Hollander 1973). 90% survival to 13 months, 50% at 24 months and 10% at 31 months in virgin females, 90% at 23 months, 50% at 29 months and 10% at 38 months in breeding females (Burek 1978). Pancreatic atrophy 16% in females, 11% in males; hydronephrosis 16% in males; cystic ovaries 36% in males (Burek 1978). Bilateral retinal degeneration with early onset and slowly progressive course which resembles human retinitis pigmentosa (Lai et al 1980). Further details of aging given by Hollander (1976).


Resistant to experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (Hughes and Stedronska 1973). Some sublines may carry recessive gene dx preventing anaphylactoid reaction to dextran (Harris et al 1963). Susceptible to the induction of autoimmune thyroiditis (Rose 1975). Higher incidence of polyspermia than in PVG (Braden 1958). Susceible to iron deficiency. Low secondary antibody esponse to the polypeptide (T,G)-Pro-L (17/20) (Günther et al 1976). Poor (4/5) antibody response to a synthetic 20 amino acid peptide derived from the alpha helical region of the RT1-D-u beta chain (Murphy et al, 1994).


High biliary excretion of copper after intravenous injection of CuSO4 (1/4) (Nederbragt and Lagerwerf 1986). Haematological parameters described by Lovell et al (1981). Long gestation period (1/8) Peters (1986).

Boorman G. A., van Noord M. J., and Hollander C. F. (1972) Naturally occurring medullary thyroid carcinoma in the rat. Arch. Pathol. 94, 35-41.

Boorman G. A. and Hollander C. F. (1973) Spontaneous lesions in the female WAG/Rij (Wistar) rat. J. Gerontol. 28, 152-159.

Braden A. W. H. (1958) Strain differences in the incidence of polyspermia in rats after delayed mating. Fert. Steril. 9, 243-246.

Burek J. D. (1978) Pathology of aging rats. CRC Press, West Palm Beach, Florida.

Coenen A. M. L. and Van Luijtelaar E. L. J. M. (1987) The WAG/Rig rat model for absence epilepsy: age and sex factors. Epilepsy Res. 1, 297-301.

Coenen A. M. L., Drinkenberg W. H. I. M., Inoue M., and Van Luijtelaar E. L. J. M. (1992) Genetic models of absence epilepsy, with emphasis on the WAG/Rij strain of rats. Epilepsy Res. 12, 75-86.

Festing M. F. W. and Bender K. (1984) Genetic relationships between inbred strains of rats. An analysis based on genetic markers at 28 biochemical loci. Genet. Res. 44, 271-281.

Harrington G. M. (1971a) Strain differences among rats initiating exploration of differing environments. Psychon. Sci. 23, 348-349.

Harrington G. M. (1971b) Strain differences in rotating wheel activity of the rat. Psychon. Sci. 23, 363-364.

Harrington G. M. (1972) Strain differences in open-field behavior of the rat. Psychon. Sci. 27, 51-53.

Harris J. M., Kalmus H., and West G. B. (1963) Genetical control of the anaphylactoid reaction in rats. Genet. Res. 4, 346-355.

Hollander C. F. (1976) Current experience using the laboratory rat in aging studies. Lab. Animal Sci. 26, 320-328.

Hughes R. A. C. and Stedronska J. (1973) The susceptibility of rat strains to experimental allergic encephalomyelitis. Immunol. 24, 879-884.

Inoue M., Peeters B. W. M. M., van Luijtelaar E. L. J. M., Vossen J. M. H., and Coenen A. M. L. (1990) Spontaneous occurrence of spike-wave discharges in five inbred strains of rats. Physiol. Behav. 48, 199-201.

Inoue M., Ates N., Vossen J. M. H., and Coenen A. M. L. (1994) Effects of the neuroleptanalgesic fentanyl-fluanisone (Hypnorm) on spike-wave discharges in epileptic rats. Pharmacol. Biochem. Behav. 48, 547-551.

Lai Y.-L., Jacoby R. O., Jensen J. T., and Yao P. C. (1980) Retinitis pigmentosa. Am. J. Pathol. 98, 281-284.

Lovell D. P., Archer R. K., Riley J., and Morgan R. K. (1981) Variation in haematological parameters among inbred strains. Lab. Anim. 15, 243-249.

Murphy G., Dalchau R., Parker K. E., Sawyer G. J., Carter C. A., and Fabre J. W. (1994) T-cell recognition of an allogeneic RT1-dbu class-II MHC peptide. Immunology Letters 41, 195-199.

Nederbragt H. and Lagerwerf A. J. (1986) Strain-related patterns of biliary excretion and hepatic distribution of copper in the rat. Hepatology 6, 601-607.

Peeters B. W. M. M., Spooren W. P. J. M., Van Luijtelaar E. L. J. M., and Coenen A. M. L. (1988) The WAG/Rij rat model for absence epilepsy: anticonvulsant drug evaluation. Neurosci. Res. Commun. 2, 93-97.

Peeters B. W. M. M., Kerbusch J. M. L., van Luijtelaar E. L. J. M., Vossen J. M. H., and Coenen A. M. L. (1990) Genetics of absence epilepsy in rats. Behav. Genet. 20, 453-460.

Peeters B. W. M. M., Ramakers G. M. J., Vossen J. M. H., and Coenen A. M. L. (1994) The WAG/Rij rat model for nonconvulsive absence epilepsy - involvement of non-NMDA receptors. Brain Res. Bull. 33, 709-713.

Peters A. (1986) Length of gestation period in eight inbred strains and three outbred stocks of rats. Animal Technology 37, 109-112.

Rick J. T., Tunnicliff G., Kerkut G. A., Fulker D. W., Wilcock J., and Broadhurst P. L. (1971) GAG production in brain cortex related to activity and avoidance behaviour in eight strains of rat. Brain Res. 32, 234-238.

Rick J. T. and Fulker D. W. (1972) Some biochemical correlates of inherited behavourial differences. Prog. Brain Res. 36, 105-112.

Rose N. R. (1975) Differing responses of inbred rat strains in experimental autoimmune thyroiditis. Cell. Immunol. 18, 360-364.

Van Luijtelaar E. L. J. M. and Coenen A. M. L. (1988) Circadian rhythmicity in absence epilepsy in rats. Epilepsy Res. 2, 331-336.

Updated 9 Apr. 1998
Michael FW Festing
MRC Toxicology Unit, Hodgkin Building,
University of Leicester, UK

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