
Test Description: Mice were anesthetized by intraperitoneal injection of Avertin (1.25% 2,2,2,-tribromoethanol, 20 ml/kg body weight ), measured body length and weight, and then placed in a prone position on the platform of the PIXImusTM Densitometer (Lunar Inc.) for a DEXA scan. Using a Lunar PIXImus software, the Bone mineral density (BMD) and fat composition (% fat) and total tissue mass (TTM) were determined in the regions of interest (ROI, i.e., whole body, vertebrae, and both femurs).


  BMD = Bone Mineral Density (g/cm2);
  BMC = Bone Mineral Content (g);
  LBM = Lean Body Mass (g);
  BMC / LBM = BMC / LBM (mg/g);
  FAT(%) = % of Body FAT;
  FAT(g) = TTM X FAT(%)/100;
  TTM = Total Tissue Mass (g);
  vBMD = Volumetric BMD (mg/cm3)



DEXA Combined Gender Score
Parameter Score
Body BMD  113.6%
Body vBMD  132.4%
Body BMC/LBM  251.3%
Femur BMD  68.2%
Vertebral BMD  0.0%
Total Tissue Mass  39.0%
Body LBM  35.8%
Body % Fat  125.7%
Body Fat Content  48.6%
The Combined Gender Score provides the average ration of Hom to WT values combining
males and females, with a correction factor for the number of mice in each group. No score
is generated if there are fewer than 4 HOM mice or fewer than 3 WT mice

DEXA Analysis: Male
Mouse Label Genotype Whole Body Vertebrae Femurs
BMD (g/cm2) BMC (g) TTM % FAT LBM (g) BMC / LBM (mg/g) vBMD (mg/cm3) BMD (g/cm2) BMD (g/cm2)

DEXA Analysis: Female
Mouse Label Genotype Whole Body Vertebrae Femurs
BMD (g/cm2) BMC (g) TTM % FAT LBM (g) BMC / LBM (mg/g) vBMD (mg/cm3) BMD (g/cm2) BMD (g/cm2)

  DEXA Analysis data        Export Data to Spreadsheet
Genotype Age (days) Site BMD BMC Length Weight FAT TTM
F-104 het 75 T-Animal Total 0.0488 0.4365 9.0 21.7 21.44 21.02
F-104 het 75 R-V 0.0645 0.0277 9.0 21.7 7.99 0.92
F-104 het 75 R-FL 0.079 0.0263 9.0 21.7 27.3 0.46
F-104 het 75 R-FR 0.0742 0.026 9.0 21.7 19.51 0.43
M-107 het 75 T-Animal Total 0.0529 0.5522 9.5 29.9 19.38 28.87
M-107 het 75 R-FR 0.074 0.0302 9.5 29.9 16.08 0.64
M-107 het 75 R-V 0.0637 0.0298 9.5 29.9 6.18 1.26
M-107 het 75 R-FL 0.0831 0.0292 9.5 29.9 22.96 0.61
F-121 het 75 T-Animal Total 0.0489 0.4139 8.9 20.72 19.14 20.18
F-121 het 75 R-FR 0.0717 0.0264 8.9 20.72 18.52 0.48
F-121 het 75 R-FL 0.076 0.0275 8.9 20.72 28.77 0.54
F-121 het 75 R-V 0.0603 0.0273 8.9 20.72 7.01 0.94
M-135 het 74 T-Animal Total 0.0513 0.5071 9.6 29.65 15.49 29.07
M-135 het 74 R-V 0.0584 0.0257 9.6 29.65 8.29 1.16
M-135 het 74 R-FR 0.0801 0.0342 9.6 29.65 11.84 0.57
M-135 het 74 R-FL 0.0883 0.0337 9.6 29.65 21.96 0.62
F-111 hom 75 T-Animal Total 0.059 0.4815 7.3 13.12 22.71 12.07
F-111 hom 75 R-V 0.0896 0.0356 7.3 13.12 6.54 0.78
F-111 hom 75 R-FR 0.0631 0.0194 7.3 13.12 20.11 0.32
F-111 hom 75 R-FL 0.0651 0.0196 7.3 13.12 23.97 0.36
M-144 hom 62 T-Animal Total 0.0555 0.3384 5.9 8.17 22.4 7.51
M-144 hom 62 R-V 0.0588 0.0134 5.9 8.17 6.45 0.36
M-144 hom 62 R-FR 0.0452 0.0113 5.9 8.17 20.75 0.25
M-144 hom 62 R-FL 0.0474 0.0115 5.9 8.17 22.72 0.24
M-155 hom 63 T-Animal Total 0.0683 0.5098 6.0 10.0 23.57 8.79
M-155 hom 63 R-FR 0.0595 0.0165 6.0 10.0 21.73 0.23
M-155 hom 63 R-FL 0.062 0.016 6.0 10.0 23.19 0.27
M-155 hom 63 R-V 0.0857 0.0222 6.0 10.0 6.68 0.48
M-157 hom 63 T-Animal Total 0.06 0.4158 6.5 10.5 17.39 9.31
M-157 hom 63 R-FL 0.0527 0.0171 6.5 10.5 23.39 0.34
M-157 hom 63 R-FR 0.0502 0.0169 6.5 10.5 19.44 0.34
M-99 wt 75 T-Animal Total 0.061 0.6262 9.5 33.54 19.51 32.63
M-99 wt 75 R-V 0.0801 0.0436 9.5 33.54 10.03 1.52
M-99 wt 75 R-FR 0.0952 0.0408 9.5 33.54 11.84 0.64
M-99 wt 75 R-FL 0.1068 0.0411 9.5 33.54 21.26 0.65
M-103 wt 75 T-Animal Total 0.0538 0.5858 9.5 29.45 14.34 28.83
M-103 wt 75 R-V 0.0678 0.036 9.5 29.45 7.28 1.26
M-103 wt 75 R-FL 0.0946 0.038 9.5 29.45 20.23 0.71
M-103 wt 75 R-FR 0.0857 0.0366 9.5 29.45 13.15 0.61
F-114 wt 75 T-Animal Total 0.0462 0.4199 8.9 20.52 13.77 19.71
F-114 wt 75 R-V 0.0522 0.0262 8.9 20.52 4.12 1.07
F-114 wt 75 R-FL 0.0688 0.0235 8.9 20.52 18.69 0.49
F-114 wt 75 R-FR 0.0663 0.0231 8.9 20.52 12.88 0.41
F-122 wt 75 T-Animal Total 0.0481 0.4369 9.1 23.01 21.91 22.06
F-122 wt 75 R-V 0.0556 0.0278 9.1 23.01 5.92 1.16
F-122 wt 75 R-FL 0.0788 0.0274 9.1 23.01 29.69 0.53
F-122 wt 75 R-FR 0.0716 0.0248 9.1 23.01 22.08 0.48

Copyright 2005 by Lexicon Genetics Incorporated
Lexicon Phenotypic Analysis software version