Test Description: Additional blood tests are carried out by Abbott's Cell-Dyn 3500R, an automated hematology analyzer. Some of its features include a five-part WBC differential. 'Patient' reports can cover over 22 parameters in all.


WBC = White Blood Cell Count HGB = HemoGloBin
NEUTRO = NEUTROphil HCT = HematoCriT
LYM = LYMphocyte MCV = Mean Corpuscular Volume
MONO = MONOcyte MCH = Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin
EOS = EOSinophil MCHC = Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration
BASO = BASOphil RDW = Red Cell Distribution Width
RBC = Red Blood Cell Count PLT = PLateLet
MPV = Mean Platelet Volume

  Hematology data for Project: NIH-0787 - Results        Export Data to Spreadsheet
Genotype Age (days) WBC Neutro Lym Mono Eos Baso Rbc Hgb Hct Mcv Mch Mchc Rdw Plt Mpv
F-104 het 84 6.58 0.9911 5.4696 0.0919 0.014 0.014 10.7392 15.934 45.0168 41.9182 14.8372 35.3957 16.7572 585.694 7.1725
M-107 het 84 5.32 0.8021 4.2426 0.2451 0.0065 0.0194 10.908 16.4599 46.5541 42.6788 15.0897 35.3564 16.7572 952.26 7.2564
F-121 het 84 5.96 0.7058 5.0798 0.157 0.0079 0.0102 10.1378 15.4505 42.9433 42.3597 15.2405 35.9789 16.9414 790.803 7.2686
M-135 het 83 10.24 1.167 8.5481 0.3982 0.1123 0.0146 9.7309 14.6541 42.7929 43.9762 15.0593 34.2441 20.0698 1003.112 8.206
F-111 hom 84 13.0 1.1188 11.3553 0.4831 0.0117 0.0352 11.7721 17.209 49.6561 42.1812 14.6185 34.6564 19.0875 724.823 6.5647
M-99 wt 84 4.23 0.3968 3.7398 0.0146 0.0815 0.0 10.7191 16.1345 44.8714 41.8611 15.0521 35.9572 18.6782 1107.483 7.9606
M-103 wt 84 6.79 2.0456 4.3454 0.3182 0.0712 0.0071 9.6655 14.1677 40.456 41.8559 14.658 35.0201 18.2584 1053.18 7.3682
F-114 wt 84 6.51 0.5177 5.7349 0.1405 0.1128 0.0066 10.584 16.1378 45.7786 43.2525 15.2473 35.2518 16.2162 714.15 6.9325
F-122 wt 84 6.41 0.6226 5.5103 0.168 0.1109 0.0022 10.4473 15.8827 44.9407 43.0167 15.2027 35.3415 16.5771 664.363 7.0802

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