Andervont, Howard B., 8, 9, 10; Figure 8-1
   chemical carcinogenesis, 9
   mammary tumor virus, 8
   FMR, 25
   GIX, 25
   gross cell surface, 25
   Thy-1, 25
   TL, 25a, 25b
   tumor specific, 25


Bagg, Halsey, 5, 6, 14
Bailey, Donald W., 15, 37
Bennett, Dorothea, 46
Bittner, John, J., 5, 10, 22
Boggs, Sallie S., 32, 33
Bonhomme, Francois, 44
Bussey Institute, 1, 5, 6, 14


Callahan, Robert, 23, 50
Cancer Research Institute, 2
Cardiff, Robert D., 22
Castle, William E., 1, 5, 6, 14; Figure 1-2
   family tree, Figure 1-4
Chapman, Verne M., 43
Cherry, Marianna, 37
Chromosome banding, 45
   C-banding, 45
   G-banding, 45
   Q-banding, 45
   wild mouse, 45
Chused, Thomas M., 21
Cloudman, Arthur M., 5
Colcher, D., 23
Cold Spring Harbor, 5, 6, 14


de Greeve, Paul, 47
Deringer, Margaret K., 8, 10
Dickie, Margaret M., 13
Drohan, W., 23
Duncan, William R., 49
Dunn, L.C., 5


   β-glucuronidase, 43
      hidden variant, 44
      induction gene
         Gur, 18, MGI
         Tfm, 18, MGI
   NADH diaphorase, 42
   processing gene
      architectural, Eg, 18, MGI
      modification, Map-1, Map-2, 18, MGI ( Map1, Map2)
      organelle, function
         bg, 18, MGI
         le, 18, MGI
   turnover, Ce, 18
   regulatory gene
      Bgs, 18, MGI
      Lv, 18, MGI
   strain distribution, 17
   structural gene, 17
      Gusa, Gusb, Gush, 18, MGI
   temporal gene
      Gut, 18, MGI
      Int, 18
      Rec, 18
      Tem, 18, MGI
   thermostability, 44


Fekete, Elizabeth, 5
Flaherty, Lorraine, 26
Fluorescence activated cell sorter, Figure 21-3
Furth, Jacob, 7; Figure 7-5


Gautsch, J., 23
   Ah, 18, 19, MGI
   Akv-1, 20, MGI
      mutation, 17, MGI
      deletion, 17, MGI ( c14Cos, c6H)
   Fgv-1, 20, MGI
   Got-1, 17, MGI
   Got-2, 17, MGI
   Gpi-1, 17, MGI
   Gv-1, 25, MGI
   Gv-2, 25, MGI
   Hbb, 17, 20, 39, 42, 44, MGI
   Hst, 48, MGI
   leukemia, 19
   linkage map, Figure 17-1
   Lps, 30, MGI
   null allele, Qa locus, 26
   pseudoallele-t, 46
   recombination suppression, T/t complex, 46
   tandem duplication, 26
      Amy-1, Amy-2, 17, MGI ( Amy-1, Amy-2)
      Car-1, Car-2, 17, MGI ( Car-1, Car-2)
      Es-1, Es-2, Es-5, Es-6, Es-7, Es-9, Es-11, 17, MGI ( Es-1, Es-2, Es-5, Es-6, Es-7, Es-9, Es-11)
      Hbb, Hby, 17, MGI ( Hbb, Hby)
   Tla, 25, MGI
Graff, Ralph J., 24
Green, Earl L., 13; Figure 13-1
Green, Margaret C., 12; Figure 12-1
Gross, Ludwick, 7


Hand, P., 23
Hartley, Janet W., 20
Held, Joe R., 4
Heston, Walter E., 10, 13, 22; Figure 10-1
Histocompatibility antigen, 26
   congenic strain
      listing, 11
      mating system, 11
      alleles at H-2K, H-2D, Table 49-3
      genetic map, Figure 49-1
   H-2 complex
      private specificity, 47
      public specificity, 47
      serologic reactivity, 47
   immunogenicity, 24
   linkage map, Figure 24-1
   listing, 24
   wild mouse, H-2 complex, 49
Hoffman, Harold A., 16
Howard, D., 23
Hsu, Ellen, 49
Huang, Huei-Jen S., 49
Hutton, John J., 17


Inbred mouse
   AKR, origin, 7
   RF, 7
Inbred strain
   genetic quality control, 16
   nomenclature, 15, 29
      congenic, 11
   subline differences, 28; Tables 11-2, 39-3
      A, Figure 15-4; Tables 28-1, 39-2
      AKR, 34
      BALB/c, 38; Figures 15-4, 26-3
      CBA, 35, 36; Table 39-2; Figure 15-4
      CE, Table 39-3
      contamination, 16
      C3H, 30, 31, 32, 33; Tables 28-1, 39-2; Figure 15-4
      C57, 39; Table 28-1
      C57BL, 37, 38; Figure 15-4
      DBA, Table 39-2; Figure 15-4
      MA, Table 39-3
      origin of, 15
      SJL, Table 39-3
Iványi, Pavol, 48, 49


Jackson Laboratory, 5, 6, 7, 10, 12
Japanese waltzing mouse, 5


Keeler, Clyde, 1, 14, 40; Figure 14-1
Klein, Jan, 49
Krause, Richard M., 3
Kufe, D., 23


Lathrop, Abbie E.C., 1, 5, 40; Figure 1-5
Lerner, R., 23
Leukemia, carcinogen-induced, 7
Liebelt, Annabel G., 36
Lilly, Frank, 19
Little, Clarence, 5, 6, 7, 10, 13, 14; Figure 5-1
Loeb, Leo, 1, 40
Lung tumor, 3, 10
Lynch, Clara, 3, 7, 13
Lyon, Mary F., 29


MacDowell, E. Carlton, 5, 14
Mammary tumor, 10
   clonal origin, 22
   endogenous virus, 22
      immune response, 22
   exogenous virus, 22
      immune response, 22
   foster-nursing, 6, 9
   genetics, 1, 22
   hormone effect
      estrogen, 22
      glucocorticoid, 22
      insulin, 22
      prolactin, 22
   hyperplastic nodule, 22
   pregnancy effect, 22
   strain difference, Table 23-1
Mammary tumor virus, 22
   endogenous virus, 23
   exogenous virus, unique DNA sequence, 23
   gp52 antigen
      group specificity, 23
      peptide map, 23
      type specificity, 23
   rat, Table 23-3
   type B, 23
Manhattan Project, 10
Marshall, Joe T., 40, 41
Mendel, Gregor, 5
Miller, Dorothy A., 45
Miller, Orlando J., 45
Moisset, Beatriz, 39
Morgan, Thomas H., 6
Morse, Herbert C. III, 1, 21, 28
Mosier, Donald E., 35
Mouse gene
   furless, 13, MGI
   linkage map, 12
   linkage testing stock, 12
   opossum, 13, MGI
   pale ear, 13, MGI
   shambling, 13, MGI
   short ear, 12, MGI
Mühlbock, Otto, 22
Murine leukemia virus
   amphotropic virus, 20, 21
   ecotropic virus, 21
      integrated genome, 20
      reintegration, 20
      strain difference, 20
      structural gene, 19
   genome, Figure 21-1
   gp70 antigen
      G(AKSL2), 25
      G(ERLD), 25
      GIX, 25
      G(RADA1), 25
      polymorphism, 8
      X.1, 19
      XenCSA, 21
         strain distribution, 21
   immune response
      cell-mediated, 19
      humoral, 19
   MCF virus, 20, 21
   regulation of expression, Fv-1 locus, 19
   relationship to primate virus, 50
   reverse transcriptase, 7
   structure, 21
      C-I subclass, 50
      C-II subclass, 50
   xenotropic virus, 19, 21, 28
      Fv-1 effect, 19, 21
      induction effect, 20
      structural gene, 21
Murphy, James, 6, 7
Murray, Joseph M., 5
Murray, William S., 5
Mus caroli, 40, 50
Mus cervicolor, 40, 50
Mus cookii, 50
Mus dunni, 50
Mus leggada, 40
Mus m. castaneus, 50
Mus m. domesticus, 42
Mus m. molossinus, 40, 42, 50
Mus m. musculus, 44
Mus pahari, 50
Mus poschiavinus, 40
Mus shortridgei, 50


Nauts, Helen C., 2
Nucleolus organizer, 45
   silver stain, 45


Old, Lloyd J, 25


Paigen, Kenneth, 18
Population genetics
   allelic variation, 42
      electromorph, 44
      mutation-equilibrium theory, 44
      neutral theory, 44
   genic heterozygosity, 44
Potter, Michael, 40


Qa antigen, 26
   Qa-1, 26
   Qa-2, 26
   Qa-3, 26


   atomic bomb, 7
   chromosome break, 45
   leukemia in man, 7
   leukemia induction, 19
   leukemogenesis, 7
Recombinant inbred strain, 27
   gene mapping, 27
   linkage detection, 27
   Mup, 18
   strain distribution pattern, 27
   XenCSA, Table 21-3
Robertsonian fusion, 40, 42
Robertsonian translocation, 45
Q-banding, 45
Rockefeller University, 3
Roderick, Thomas H., 39
Rosenstreich, David L., 30
Rowe, Wallace P., 20
Russell, Elizabeth S., 5, 13


Sage, Richard D., 42
Sawin, Paul B., 13
Schidlovsky, G., 23
Schlom, J., 23
Selander, Robert K., 44
Shimkin, Michael B., 9, 10
Slye, Maude, 5, 6
Snell, George D., 5, 11, 13, 29, 37; Figure 11-3
Somatic cell genetics
   hamster-mouse hybrid, 45
   mouse-human hybrid, 45
Stockert, Elisabeth, 25
Strong, Leonell C., 5, 6, 13, 14; Figure 6-3
   C3H mouse, early distribution, 6
   enzyme differences in strains, 18
   origin of strain C3H, CBA, 6
Swiss mouse, 3


Tagliabue, Aldo, 31
Taylor, Benjamin A., 27
Teramoto, Y., 23
   hormone, 7
   leukemia, 7
Tla, 26
Todaro, George J., 23, 50
T/t complex, 46
   H-2 antigen, wild mouse, 49
   t complementation group, 46
Tyzzer, E.E., 5, 6


Wakeland, Edward K., 49
Wild mouse
   Africa, 40
   Asia, 40
   C banding, 40
   contribution to inbreds, 40
   Europe, taxonomy, 41
   genetic polymorphism, 43
   geographic distribution, Figure 42-1
   geographic origin, Table 40-2
   H-2 antigen, serotyping, 47
   H-2 complex
      frequency of alleles, 49
      polymorphism, 48
   H-2 congenic, 49
   immunoglobulin, 40
   karyotype, Table 40-2
   mammary tumor virus, 23
   MUP polymorphism, 40
   Mus booduga fulvidentris, 45
   Mus caroli, 23, 41, 42, 45
   Mus cervicolor, 23, 41, 45, 50
      Q-banding, 45
   Mus cervicolor popaeus, type B virus, 23
   Mus cookii, 45
   Mus dunni, 45
   Mus hispanicus, 42
   Mus m. brevirostris, 42, 44
   Mus m. castaneus, 40, 41, 43, 44
   Mus m. domesticus, 41, 44
   Mus m. homourus, 42
   Mus m. molossinus, 23, 43, 44, 45
      waltzing mouse, 40
   Mus m. musculus, 40, 41, 44, 45
   Mus m. Peru Atteck, 23
   Mus m. spretus, 42
   Mus poschiavinus, 42, 45
   phylogenetic tree, Figure 50-1
   Spanish house mouse, 42
      genetic relationship, 42
      Switzerland, 40
      T/t complex, 46
Woolley, George, 5
Wright, Sewall, 5, 10


Zaleska-Rutczynska, Zofia, 49
Zatz, Marion M., 34