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Spontaneous Allele Detail
Symbol: Axin1Fu-ki
Name: axin 1; kinky
MGI ID: MGI:1856036
Synonyms: ki, Ki, kink
Gene: Axin1  Location: Chr17:26357662-26414785 bp, + strand  Genetic Position: Chr17, 13.07 cM
Alliance: Axin1Fu-ki page
Strain of Origin:  fancier's mice
Allele Type:    Spontaneous
Mutation:    Undefined
Mutation detailsA spontaneous mouse mutant shown to be allelic to AxinFu. Supposed crossovers between Axin1Fu and Axin1Fu-ki (J:242) were resolved; both mutations occur at the Axin1 locus (J:244).
Inheritance:    Semidominant
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In Structures Affected by this Mutation: 13 anatomical structure(s)
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Carrying this Mutation:  Mouse Strains: 0 strains available      Cell Lines: 0 lines available
Carrying any Axin1 Mutation:  44 strains or lines available
Axin1Fu-ki, kinky, semidominant. The kinky mutation arose in stocks of a Florida mouse fancier (J:13056). Heterozygotes are very similar to fused in skeletal abnormalities and may show the same abnormalities of behavior. Supposed crossovers between Axin1Fu and Axin1Fu-ki (J:242) were resolved; both mutations occur at the Axin1 locus (J:244) Unlike homozygotes for Axin1Fu, Axin1Fu-ki homozygotes are inviable. They show tissue hyperplasia and twinning by embryonic day 7 and die between embryonic days 8 and 10 (J:13017). Many kinky heterozygotes show morphogenetic abnormalities of the inner ear, the severity of which is correlated with the severity of the behavioral defects, although a particular behavioral defect is not invariably associated with a particular morphological abnormality (J:5004). '

Genetic background information for J:13056: First observed in 1937 in the stocks of Mr. S.P.Holman of Manatee, Florida and were sent to L.C.Dunn of Columbia University. Three inbred lines were produced from outcrosses of the Holman stock to three stocks of the Columbia colony, namely Little's dilute brown, the Bagg albino, and a blue spotted line, "Columbia K." Mice from these three strains (designated stocks I, II, and III) were obtained from the Columbia laboratory and have been inbred for seven or more generations. Subsequently, mice from the inbred strains have been outcrossed to a normal albino stock which was originally from E.C. MacDowell and which has been inbred by brother x sister matings since 1934. This stock is referred to as the "Lafayette albino."

Original:  J:13056 Caspari E, et al., The inheritance of a tail abnormality in the house mouse. J Hered. 1940;31(10):427-431
All:  7 reference(s)

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Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory