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Gene Expression Data
Assay Details
Reference: J:202263 Jolly LA, et al., The UPF3B gene, implicated in intellectual disability, autism, ADHD and childhood onset schizophrenia regulates neural progenitor cell behaviour and neuronal outgrowth. Hum Mol Genet. 2013 Dec 1;22(23):4673-87
Assay type: Immunohistochemistry
MGI Accession ID: MGI:5615974
Gene symbol: Upf3a
Gene name: UPF3 regulator of nonsense transcripts homolog A (yeast)
Antibody: Anti-Upf3a
Detection system: Secondary antibody coupled to Alexa Fluor 647
Specimen 1A ii/iii: embryonic day 14.5 (more )
Note: ii - Single label. iii - Double labeled: green - Upf3a; red - Upf3b (assay MGI:5615970).
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS22: telencephalon Weak 1A Upf3a ii , 1A Upf3a/Upf3b iii Low expression levels were detected in the telencephalic wall.

Specimen 2C Hippocampus: postnatal adult (more )
Note: Single label uncolored. Double labeled: green - Upf3a; red - Upf3b (assay MGI:5615970).
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: hippocampus Present 2C Hippocampus Upf3a , 2C Hippocampus Upf3a/Upf3b

Specimen 2C Hippocampus Upf3b/Stau1/Upf3a: postnatal adult (more )
Note: Triple labeled: blue - Upf3a; red - Upf3b (assay MGI:5615970); green - Stau1 (assay MGI:5615976).
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: hippocampus Present 2C Hippocampus Upf3b/Stau1/Upf3a

Specimen 2C Hippocampal CA2: postnatal adult (more )
Note: Single label uncolored. Double labeled: green - Upf3a; red - Upf3b (assay MGI:5615970).
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: hippocampus CA2 Present 2C Hippocampal CA2 Upf3a/Upf3b , 2C Hippocampal CA2 Upf3a

Specimen 2C Hippocampal CA2 Upf3b/Stau1/Upf3a: postnatal adult (more )
Note: Triple labeled: blue - Upf3a; red - Upf3b (assay MGI:5615970); green - Stau1 (assay MGI:5615976).
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: hippocampus CA2 Present 2C Hippocampal CA2 Upf3b/Stau1/Upf3a

Specimen S6: embryonic day 18.5 (more )
Note: Triple labeled: blue - Upf3a; red - Upf3b (assay MGI:5615970); green - Stau1 (assay MGI:5615976).
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS26: cerebral cortex Present Regionally restricted S6_left , S6_CP/SP , S6_MZ/CP , S6_SP/SVZ/VZ

Specimen S10: postnatal adult (more )
Note: Single label uncolored. Double labeled: green - Upf3a; red - Upf3b (assay MGI:5615970).
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: cerebral cortex Present S10_Upf3a , S10_Upf3a/Upf3b

Specimen S10 Upf3b/Stau1/Upf3a: postnatal adult (more )
Note: Triple labeled: blue - Upf3a; red - Upf3b (assay MGI:5615970); green - Stau1 (assay MGI:5615976).
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: cerebral cortex Present S10_Upf3b/Stau1/Upf3a

Specimen S11A Cerebellum: postnatal adult (more )
Note: Single label uncolored. Double labeled: green - Upf3a; red - Upf3b (assay MGI:5615970).
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: cerebellum Present S11A Cerebellum Upf3a , S11A Cerebellum Upf3a/Upf3b

Specimen S11A Cerebellum Upf3b/Stau1/Upf3a: postnatal adult (more )
Note: Triple labeled: blue - Upf3a; red - Upf3b (assay MGI:5615970); green - Stau1 (assay MGI:5615976).
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: cerebellum Present S11A Upf3b/Stau1/Upf3a Cerebellum

Specimen S11A Purkinje cells: postnatal adult (more )
Note: Single label uncolored. Double labeled: green - Upf3a; red - Upf3b (assay MGI:5615970).
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: cerebellum Purkinje cell layer Present S11A Purkinje cells Upf3a , S11A Purkinje cells Upf3a/Upf3b

Specimen S11A Purkinje cells Upf3b/Stau1/Upf3a: postnatal adult (more )
Note: Triple labeled: blue - Upf3a; red - Upf3b (assay MGI:5615970); green - Stau1 (assay MGI:5615976).
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: cerebellum Purkinje cell layer Present S11A Upf3b/Stau1/Upf3a Purkinje cells

Specimen S11B left: postnatal adult (more )
Note: Double labeled: green - Upf3a; red - Upf3b (assay MGI:5615970).
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: cerebellum Present S11B left

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MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory