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Gene Expression Data
Assay Details
Reference: J:157752 Zimmer C, et al., Dynamics of Cux2 expression suggests that an early pool of SVZ precursors is fated to become upper cortical layer neurons. Cereb Cortex. 2004 Dec;14(12):1408-20
Assay type: RNA in situ
MGI Accession ID: MGI:6276295
Gene symbol: Cux2
Gene name: cut-like homeobox 2
Probe: Cux2 cDNA
Probe preparation: Antisense labelled with digoxigenin RNA
Specimen not shown: embryonic day 10.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS17: telencephalon Weak

Specimen 1A: embryonic day 11.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS19: telencephalon Present Regionally restricted 1A' , 1A Expression was detected in the pallium, the subpallium, and the cortical hem. In the subpallium, most expression was localized in the medial ganglionic eminence, with sparse cells in the lateral ganglionic eminence. In the pallium, expression was found in the subventricular zone.

Specimen 1B: embryonic day 12.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS20: telencephalon Present Regionally restricted 1B' , 1B Expression was detected in the pallium, the subpallium, and the cortical hem.
TS20: medial ganglionic eminence Present 1B' , 1B
TS20: lateral ganglionic eminence Present Single cells 1B' , 1B
TS20: cerebral cortex subventricular zone Present 1B , 1B'
TS20: cerebral cortex ventricular layer Absent 1B' , 1B

Specimen 1C: embryonic day 13.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS21: cerebral cortex intermediate zone Present 1C' , 1C
TS21: cerebral cortex subventricular zone Present 1C' , 1C
TS21: cerebral cortex marginal layer Present Regionally restricted 1C' , 1C Signal was detected in a row of cells in the marginal zone.
TS21: cortical plate Present Single cells 1C' , 1C

Specimen 1D: embryonic day 14.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS22: cerebral cortex intermediate zone Present 1D , 1D'
TS22: cerebral cortex subventricular zone Present 1D , 1D'
TS22: cerebral cortex marginal layer Present Regionally restricted 1D , 1D' Signal was detected in a row of cells in the marginal zone.
TS22: cortical plate Present Single cells 1D' , 1D

Specimen 1E: embryonic day 16.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS24: cerebral cortex subventricular zone Present 1E' , 1E
TS24: cerebral cortex intermediate zone Present 1E , 1E'
TS24: cerebral cortex marginal layer Present 1E , 1E'
TS24: cortical plate Present Non-Uniform 1E' , 1E Expression was detected in migrating cells deep in the cortical plate and in condensed cells within the outer-most part of the cortical plate.

Specimen 1F: embryonic day 18.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS26: cerebral cortex intermediate zone Weak 1F' , 1F
TS26: cerebral cortex subventricular zone Weak 1F' , 1F
TS26: cortical plate Present Non-Uniform 1F , 1F' The majority of the labeled cell population was found in the outer-most part of the cortical plate.

Specimen 1G: postnatal adult (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: cortical layer II Present 1G , 1G' The majority of labeled cells were detected in the upper part of the cortex (layers II-IV).
TS28: cortical layer III Present 1G , 1G' The majority of labeled cells were detected in the upper part of the cortex (layers II-IV).
TS28: cortical layer IV Present 1G , 1G' The majority of labeled cells were detected in the upper part of the cortex (layers II-IV).
TS28: cortical layer V Present Single cells 1G , 1G' Some individual labeled cells were identifiable in the deep part of the cortex (layers V-VI).
TS28: cortical layer VI Present Single cells 1G , 1G' Some individual labeled cells were identifiable in the deep part of the cortex (layers V-VI).

Specimen 2A: embryonic day 14.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS22: cerebral cortex marginal layer Present 2A Staining was comparable to Dlx5 staining.
TS22: cerebral cortex intermediate zone Present 2A Staining in the subventricular zone and intermediate zone far exceeded that of the Dlx5 population.
TS22: cerebral cortex subventricular zone Present 2A Staining in the subventricular zone and intermediate zone far exceeded that of the Dlx5 population.

Specimen 2B: embryonic day 16.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS24: cerebral cortex marginal layer Present 2B Staining was comparable to Dlx5 staining.
TS24: cerebral cortex intermediate zone Present 2B Staining in the subventricular zone and intermediate zone far exceeded that of the Dlx5 population.
TS24: cerebral cortex subventricular zone Present 2B Staining in the subventricular zone and intermediate zone far exceeded that of the Dlx5 population.
TS24: cortical plate Present Regionally restricted 2B Individual cells were found in the innermost part of the cortical plate, whereas staining accumulated in the outermost part of the cortical plate.

Specimen 2C: embryonic day 18.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS26: cerebral cortex marginal zone Present 2C Staining was comparable to Dlx5 staining.
TS26: cerebral cortex intermediate zone Present 2C Staining in the subventricular zone and intermediate zone far exceeded that of the Dlx5 population.
TS26: cerebral cortex subventricular zone Present 2C Staining in the subventricular zone and intermediate zone far exceeded that of the Dlx5 population.
TS26: cortical plate Present Regionally restricted 2C The majority of the Cux2-positive population was located below the marginal zone in the position of the future upper cortical layers.

Specimen 2I: embryonic day 15.5 (more )
Note: Double labeled: purple - Cux2; red - pan-DLX.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS23: cerebral cortex marginal layer Present Regionally restricted 2G , 2I Cux2-positive/DLX-positive cells were noted in the marginal zone.
TS23: cerebral cortex intermediate zone Present Regionally restricted 2H , 2I All DLX-positive cells were Cux2-positive, but the majority of cells in the subventricular zone and intermediate zone were Cux2-positive;DLX-negative.
TS23: cerebral cortex subventricular zone Present Regionally restricted 2H , 2I All DLX-positive cells were Cux2-positive, but the majority of cells in the subventricular zone and intermediate zone were Cux2-positive;DLX-negative.
TS23: cerebral cortex ventricular layer Present Single cells 2I

Specimen 2J: embryonic day 15.5; Ascl1tm1And/Ascl1tm1And (more )
Note: Double labeled: purple - Cux2; red - pan-DLX.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS23: cerebral cortex Present Regionally restricted 2J The number of Cux2-positive;DLX-positive cells was reduced in the mutant cortex.
TS23: cerebral cortex intermediate zone Present 2J The number of Cux2-positive;DLX-negative cells was not affected in the mutant.
TS23: cerebral cortex subventricular zone Present 2J The number of Cux2-positive;DLX-negative cells was not affected in the mutant.

Specimen 3A: embryonic day 13.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS21: cerebral cortex intermediate zone Present 3A
TS21: cerebral cortex subventricular zone Present 3A
TS21: cerebral cortex marginal layer Present Regionally restricted 3A Expression was detected in a row of cells in the marginal zone.
TS21: cerebral cortex ventricular layer Present Single cells 3A Individually expressing cells correspond to migrating interneurons.
TS21: cortical plate Present Single cells 3A Individually expressing cells correspond to migrating interneurons.

Specimen 3D: embryonic day 18.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS26: cerebral cortex intermediate zone Present 3D
TS26: cerebral cortex subventricular zone Present 3D
TS26: cortical plate Present Regionally restricted 3D Expression was detected in cells migrating through the deep part of the cortical plate (which will give rise to cortical layers V and VI) and in condensed cells in the outer-most part of the cortical plate (which will give rise to cortical layers II-IV).

Specimen 3G: postnatal day 14 (more )
Note: Double labeled: purple - Cux2; red - Rbfox3 (assay MGI:6276328).
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: cortical layer II Present 3G Expression was detected in neurons as indicated by the double labeling with Rbfox3.
TS28: cortical layer III Present 3G Expression was detected in neurons as indicated by the double labeling with Rbfox3.
TS28: cortical layer IV Present 3G Expression was detected in neurons as indicated by the double labeling with Rbfox3.

Specimen 3I: postnatal adult (more )
Note: Double labeled: purple - Cux2; red - Rbfox3 (assay MGI:6276328).
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: cerebral cortex Present 3J , 3I , 3K Coexpression was noted with the pan-neuronal marker Rbfox3. Cux2 was expressed in upper layer neurons as well as in individual neurons distributed in the deep layers of the cortex.

Specimen 3L: postnatal adult (more )
Note: Double labeled: purple - Cux2; red - pan-DLX.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: cerebral cortex Present 3L , 3M , 3N Cux2+;DLX+ co-labeled cells were identified as interneurons and distributed throughout all the cortical layers.

Specimen 3O: embryonic day 18.5 (more )
Note: Double labeled: purple - Cux2; red - pan-DLX.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS26: cortical plate Present Regionally restricted 3O Expression accumulated in the upper part of the cortical plate.

Specimen 3P: embryonic day 18.5; Relnrl-Orl/Relnrl-Orl (more )
Note: Double labeled: purple - Cux2; red - pan-DLX.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS26: cerebral cortex Present Regionally restricted 3P , 3Q In the Reeler cortex, expression remained in deep positions and appeared more diffuse and dispersed compared to wild type. Cux2-positive cells localized in superficial positions in the Reeler cortex coexpressed DLX and thus represent cortical interneurons.

Specimen 4A: embryonic day 12.5 (more )
Note: Double labeled: purple - Cux2; red - Pcna (assay MGI:6276638).
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS20: cerebral cortex subventricular zone Present 4B , 4A Many Cux2-positive cells in the subventricular zone were also labeled with Pcna.

Specimen 4E: embryonic day 12.5 (more )
Note: Double labeled: purple - Cux2; red - PHH3.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS20: cerebral cortex subventricular zone Present 4F , 4E There was co-expression of Cux2 and PHH3, which labels cells in late G2 and M-phase.

Specimen 4G: embryonic day 12.5 (more )
Note: Double labeled: purple - Cux2; red - BrdU.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS20: cerebral cortex subventricular zone Present 4G , 4H After a 6-hour pulse of BrdU, a subfraction of Cux2-positive cells showed BrdU labelling.

Specimen 5B: embryonic day 13.5 (more )
Note: Double labeled: purple - Cux2; red - pan-DLX.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS21: cerebral cortex mantle layer Present 5B
TS21: cerebral cortex subventricular zone Present 5B

Specimen 5C: embryonic day 13.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS21: cerebral cortex mantle layer Present 5C
TS21: cerebral cortex subventricular zone Present 5C

Specimen 5E: embryonic day 13.5; Pax6Sey/Pax6Sey (more )
Note: Double labeled: purple - Cux2; red - pan-DLX.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS21: cerebral cortex subventricular zone Present 5E There was a considerable decrease in Cux2-positive cells in the mutant compared with wild type.
TS21: cerebral cortex marginal layer Present 5E Cux2+/DLX+ cells were still identifiable in the marginal zone.

Specimen 5F: embryonic day 13.5; Pax6Sey/Pax6Sey (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS21: cerebral cortex subventricular zone Present 5F There was a considerable decrease in Cux2-positive cells in the mutant compared with wild type.
TS21: cerebral cortex mantle layer Present 5F

Specimen 5H: embryonic day 15.5 (more )
Note: Double labeled: purple - Cux2; red - pan-DLX.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS23: cerebral cortex intermediate zone Present 5H
TS23: cerebral cortex marginal layer Present 5H
TS23: cerebral cortex subventricular zone Present 5H

Specimen 5J: embryonic day 15.5; Pax6Sey/Pax6Sey (more )
Note: Double labeled: purple - Cux2; red - pan-DLX.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS23: cerebral cortex intermediate zone Present 5K , 5J There was a considerable decrease in Cux2-positive cells in the mutant compared with wild type. The Cux2-positive population of upper layer neurons was lost from the subventricular zone and underrepresented in the intermediate zone.
TS23: cerebral cortex subventricular zone Present 5K , 5J There was a considerable decrease in Cux2-positive cells in the mutant compared with wild type. The Cux2-positive population of upper layer neurons was lost from the subventricular zone and underrepresented in the intermediate zone.
TS23: cerebral cortex marginal layer Present 5K , 5J The Cux2+/DLX+ interneuron population in the marginal zone was increased in the mutant.

Specimen 5M: embryonic day 17.5 (more )
Note: Double labeled: purple - Cux2; red - pan-DLX.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS25: cerebral cortex intermediate zone Present 5M
TS25: cerebral cortex marginal zone Present 5M
TS25: cerebral cortex subventricular zone Present 5M
TS25: cortical plate Present 5M

Specimen 5N: embryonic day 17.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS25: cerebral cortex intermediate zone Present 5N
TS25: cerebral cortex marginal zone Present 5N
TS25: cerebral cortex subventricular zone Present 5N
TS25: cortical plate Present 5N

Specimen 5P: embryonic day 17.5; Pax6Sey/Pax6Sey (more )
Note: Double labeled: purple - Cux2; red - pan-DLX.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS25: cerebral cortex marginal zone Present 5P The mutant cortex showed an increase in Cux2+/DLX+ interneurons in the marginal zone.
TS25: cerebral cortex intermediate zone Trace Single cells 5P Cux2-positive cells are almost absent.
TS25: cerebral cortex subventricular zone Trace Single cells 5P Cux2-positive cells are almost absent.
TS25: cortical plate Present 5P Cux2-positive cells are less numerous in the mutant cortical plate compared to wild type.

Specimen 5Q: embryonic day 17.5; Pax6Sey/Pax6Sey (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS25: cerebral cortex marginal zone Present 5Q The mutant cortex showed an increase in Cux2+/DLX+ interneurons in the marginal zone.
TS25: cerebral cortex intermediate zone Trace Single cells 5Q Cux2-positive cells are almost absent.
TS25: cerebral cortex subventricular zone Trace Single cells 5Q Cux2-positive cells are almost absent.
TS25: cortical plate Present 5Q Cux2-positive cells are less numerous in the mutant cortical plate compared to wild type.

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Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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