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Gene Expression Data
Assay Details
Reference: J:210985 Wolfe AD, et al., Mixl1 localizes to putative axial stem cell reservoirs and their posterior descendants in the mouse embryo. Gene Expr Patterns. 2014 May;15(1):8-20
Assay type: Immunohistochemistry
MGI Accession ID: MGI:6436901
Gene symbol: Mixl1
Gene name: Mix paired-like homeobox
Antibody: anti-MIXl1
Specimen 1E: embryonic day 7.5 (more )
Note: Early headfold stage.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS11: allantois Strong 1E
TS11: posterior visceral endoderm Strong 1E
TS11: primitive streak Strong 1E

Specimen 1G: embryonic day 7.5 (more )
Note: Early headfold stage.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS11: primitive streak Strong Regionally restricted 1G Strong expression in posterior primitive streak.
TS11: embryonic posterior visceral endoderm Absent 1G No expression in intraembryonic primitive streak-associated posterior visceral endoderm.

Specimen 1H: embryonic day 7.5 (more )
Note: Early headfold stage.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS11: chorion ectoderm Weak 1H
TS11: chorion mesoderm Ambiguous 1H Authors state there was no expression in individual cells in chorionic mesoderm and extraembryonic visceral endoderm.
TS11: extraembryonic visceral endoderm Ambiguous 1H Authors state there was no expression in individual cells in chorionic mesoderm and extraembryonic visceral endoderm.

Specimen 2A: embryonic day 7.0 (more )
Note: Mid-streak stage.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS10: primitive streak Present Widespread 2A Expression throughout primitive streak as it extended cranially.
TS10: embryo ectoderm Absent 2A No demonstrable expression in epiblast.

Specimen 2B: embryonic day 7.0 (more )
Note: Mid-streak stage.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS10: primitive streak Present 2B
TS10: embryo ectoderm Absent 2B No demonstrable expression in epiblast.
TS10: embryonic visceral endoderm Present Widespread 2B Expression in throughout embryo-associated visceral endoderm at midstreak stage.

Specimen 2C: embryonic day 7.0 (more )
Note: Late streak stage.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS10: primitive streak Present 2C
TS10: embryo mesoderm Present 2C Expression in presumptive laterally-migrating embryonic mesoderm.
TS10: embryo ectoderm Absent 2C No demonstrable expression in epiblast.
TS10: embryonic visceral endoderm Present Regionally restricted 2C Expression in embryo-associated visceral endoderm. Localization became biased toward posterior midline by late streak stage, with occasional expressing cells in anterior and lateral embryo-associated visceral endoderm.

Specimen 2D: embryonic day 7.0 (more )
Note: Early bud stage.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS10: extraembryonic primitive streak Present Widespread 2D Expression in full-extent of primitive streak, including extraembryonic primitive streak that extends into the exocoelom.
TS10: primitive streak Present Widespread 2D Expression in full-extent of primitive streak, including extraembryonic primitive streak that extends into the exocoelom.
TS10: node Present Regionally restricted 2D Expression in ventral node and posterior crown.
TS10: posterior crown of node Present Regionally restricted 2D Expression in ventral node and posterior crown.
TS10: allantois Present Widespread 2D Expression in entire allantoic bud.
TS10: extraembryonic component Present Regionally restricted 2D Expression in posterior chorion.

Specimen 2E: embryonic day 7.0 (more )
Note: Early bud stage.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS10: node Strong Regionally restricted 2E Strong expression in ventral node and posterior crown of Hensen's node.
TS10: posterior crown of node Strong Regionally restricted 2E Strong expression in ventral node and posterior crown of Hensen's node.

Specimen 2F: embryonic day 7.0 (more )
Note: Early bud stage.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS10: allantois-associated posterior visceral endoderm Strong Regionally restricted 2F
TS10: extraembryonic primitive streak Strong Regionally restricted 2F Strong expression in adjacent extraembryonic primitive streak.

Specimen 2G: embryonic day 7.0 (more )
Note: Early bud stage.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS10: embryonic visceral endoderm Present Regionally restricted 2G Expression in many cells of midline embryo-associated visceral endoderm.

Specimen 2H: embryonic day 7.5 (more )
Note: Late bud stage.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS11: allantois Present Regionally restricted 2H Contiguous expression from primitive streak, extraembryonic primitive streak and allantoic bud.
TS11: primitive streak Present Regionally restricted 2H Contiguous expression from primitive streak, extraembryonic primitive streak and allantoic bud.

Specimen 2I: embryonic day 7.5 (more )
Note: Late bud stage.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS11: allantois-associated posterior visceral endoderm Strong 2I

Specimen 2J: embryonic day 7.5 (more )
Note: Late bud stage.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS11: embryonic posterior visceral endoderm Present Regionally restricted 2J Intemittent expression at midline of intraembryonic primitive streak-associated visceral endoderm.

Specimen 3A: embryonic day 7.5 (more )
Note: Early headfold stage.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS11: node Present Widespread 3A Expression within ventral node. Some specimens demonstrate expression throughout ventral region.
TS11: posterior crown of node Present 3A
TS11: primitive streak Present Regionally restricted 3A Reduced breadth of expression in primitive streak. In some specimens, expression only in anterior and posterior ends of streak.
TS11: Allantoic Core Domain Present 3A

Specimen 3B: embryonic day 7.5 (more )
Note: Early headfold stage.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS11: posterior crown of node Present 3B Expression only within posterior crown.
TS11: node Present Regionally restricted 3B Expression excluded from ventral node.
TS11: primitive streak Present Widespread 3B Expression throughout primitive streak.

Specimen LHF not shown: embryonic day 7.5 (more )
Note: Late headfold stage.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS11: primitive streak Present Regionally restricted All streak-associated expression was ventrally localized except for posterior-most aspect at embryonic-extraembryonic junction where expression localized to full dorsal-ventral extent of streak.

Specimen 3C: embryonic day 7.5 (more )
Note: Early headfold stage.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS11: primitive streak Present Regionally restricted 3C Expression most prominently localized to posterior primitive streak.
TS11: Allantoic Core Domain Strong Regionally restricted 3C Intense expression in ventral component of Allantoic Core Domain, adjacent to allantois-associated posterior visceral endoderm.
TS11: allantois-associated posterior visceral endoderm Weak Punctate 3C Authors describe intermittent, punctate, faintly expressing cells within allantois-associated posterior visceral endoderm.
TS11: allantois Weak Single cells 3C Punctate, faint expression in individual mesenchymal cells in distal allantois and overlying mesothelium.

Specimen 3G: embryonic day 7.5 (more )
Note: Early headfold stage.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS11: Allantoic Core Domain Present Punctate 3G Punctate nuclear expression in ventral Allantoic Core Domain.
TS11: allantois-associated posterior visceral endoderm Present Punctate 3G

Specimen 3G inset: embryonic day 7.5 (more )
Note: Early headfold stage.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS11: Allantoic Core Domain Present Punctate 3G inset Punctate nuclear expression in ventral Allantoic Core Domain.
TS11: allantois-associated posterior visceral endoderm Present Punctate 3G inset

Specimen 3J: embryonic day 7.5 (more )
Note: Early headfold stage.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS11: embryo mesoderm Weak 3J Expression diminished in primitive streak and embryonic mesoderm.
TS11: primitive streak Weak 3J Expression diminished in primitive streak and embryonic mesoderm.
TS11: notochordal process Absent 3J Expression not appreciated in notochord.
TS11: embryonic visceral endoderm Weak Single cells 3J Faint expression in cells of embryonic visceral endoderm.

Specimen 3J inset: embryonic day 7.5 (more )
Note: Early headfold stage.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS11: embryo mesoderm Weak 3J inset
TS11: primitive streak Weak 3J inset
TS11: embryonic visceral endoderm Weak Single cells 3J inset Faint expression in embryonic visceral endoderm toward anterior aspect of streak.

Specimen 4A: embryonic day 8.0 (more )
Note: 2 somite stage.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS12: posterior crown of node Strong 4A
TS12: primitive streak Present Regionally restricted 4A Expression in posterior primitive streak. Occasional expressing cells within more anterior aspects of primitive streak.
TS12: Allantoic Core Domain Present 4A

Specimen 4B: embryonic day 8.0 (more )
Note: 4 somite stage.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS12: embryo ectoderm Absent 4B No expression in epiblast.
TS12: embryo mesoderm Present Regionally restricted 4B No expression in embryonic mesoderm in this section but authors report expressng cells within mesoderm at midline posterior to node at each stage examined.
TS12: node Present Regionally restricted 4B No expression in node in this section.

Specimen 4C: embryonic day 8.0 (more )
Note: 4 somite stage.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS12: embryo ectoderm Absent 4C No expression in epiblast.
TS12: embryo mesoderm Present Regionally restricted 4C No expression in embryonic mesoderm in this section but authors report expressng cells within mesoderm at midline posterior to node at each stage examined.
TS12: posterior crown of node Present Clusters 4C Expression becomes evident and tightly clustered within posterior crown of the node.

Specimen 4D: embryonic day 8.0 (more )
Note: 4 somite stage.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS12: embryo ectoderm Absent 4D No expression in epiblast
TS12: embryo mesoderm Present Regionally restricted 4D No expression in embryonic mesoderm in this section but authors report expressng cells within mesoderm at midline posterior to node at each stage examined.
TS12: primitive streak Present Regionally restricted 4D No expression in primitive streak immediately posterior to posterior crown of node.

Specimen 4E: embryonic day 8.0 (more )
Note: 6 somite stage.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS12: posterior crown of node Present Regionally restricted 4E Expression at midline expanding posteriorly from posterior crown of node.
TS12: embryo mesoderm Present Scattered 4E Scattered expressing cells appearing within nascent embryonic mesoderm.

Specimen 5B: embryonic day 9.0 (more )
Note: 16 somite stage.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS14: tail bud Present Clusters 5B Expressing cells clustered within tailbud mesoderm adjacent to posterior end of hindgut.
TS14: notochord Present Regionally restricted 5B Expression localizes to putative posterior notochord population of axial mesodermal cells.
TS14: vitelline artery Absent 5B Expression excluded from omphalomesenteric artery.
TS14: primitive hindgut Present Regionally restricted 5B Expression excluded most of hindgut endoderm.
TS14: embryo mesoderm Present Scattered 5B Scattered expressing cells in mesoderm spanning notocord and expressing cells in tailgut mesoderm.
TS14: allantois Present Widespread 5B Expressing throughout allantois.

Specimen 5C: embryonic day 9.0 (more )
Note: 16 somite stage.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS14: embryo mesoderm Present Regionally restricted 5C Punctate expressing cells between tailbud mesoderm and notochord populations.
TS14: primitive hindgut Present Regionally restricted 5C Expression interspersed within dorsal hindgut endoderm.
TS14: surface ectoderm Present Single cells 5C Occasional expressing cell in embryonic surface ectoderm.

Specimen 5D: embryonic day 9.0 (more )
Note: 16 somite stage.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS14: mesenchyme derived from splanchnopleure Present Regionally restricted 5D Expression in posterior splanchnopleure as it folds towards midline.
TS14: notochord Present 5D
TS14: yolk sac Present Regionally restricted 5D Expression in visceral yolk sac.

Specimen 5E: embryonic day 9.0 (more )
Note: 13 somite stage.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS14: mesenchyme derived from splanchnopleure Present Regionally restricted 5E Expression in posterior splanchnopleure as it folds towards midline.
TS14: primitive hindgut Present Regionally restricted 5E Expression in hindgut endoderm immediately posterior to midline joining of splanchnopleure.
TS14: notochord Present 5E

Specimen 5F: embryonic day 9.0 (more )
Note: 13 somite stage.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS14: vitelline blood vessel Present Regionally restricted 5F Expression as vitelline vessels join at midline to form omphalomesenteric artery.
TS14: notochord Present 5F

Specimen 5G: embryonic day 9.0 (more )
Note: 13 somite stage.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS14: primitive hindgut Ambiguous Regionally restricted 5G Posterior to fusion of vitelline vessels, expression wanes within hindgut and omphalomesenteric artery. Authors state expression fades to undetectable.
TS14: vitelline artery Ambiguous Regionally restricted 5G Posterior to fusion of vitelline vessels, expression wanes within hindgut and omphalomesenteric artery. Authors state expression fades to undetectable.

Specimen 5H: embryonic day 9.0 (more )
Note: 13 somite stage.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS14: notochord Present Punctate 5H Limited punctate expressing cells in notochord.
TS14: yolk sac endoderm Weak 5H Relatively weak intensity of expression in visceral yolk sac endoderm.

Specimen 6A: embryonic day 7.5; Runx1tm2Spe/Runx1+ (more )
Note: Early headfold stage. Double labeled: brown - Mixl1; blue - Runx1 reporter (assay MGI:6436904).
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS11: Allantoic Core Domain Strong 6A Greatest intensity of expression within Allantoic core Domain.

Specimen 6B: embryonic day 7.5; Runx1tm2Spe/Runx1+ (more )
Note: Early headfold stage. Double labeled: brown - Mixl1; blue - Runx1 reporter (assay MGI:6436904).
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS11: allantois Weak Regionally restricted 6B Faint expression throughout distal allantois and mesothelium.

Specimen 6C: embryonic day 7.5; Runx1tm2Spe/Runx1+ (more )
Note: Early headfold stage. Double labeled: brown - Mixl1; blue - Runx1 reporter (assay MGI:6436904).
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS11: Allantoic Core Domain Strong Widespread 6C Intense expression throughout Allantoic core Domain.
TS11: allantois-associated posterior visceral endoderm Strong Regionally restricted 6C Intense expression within allantois-associated posterior visceral endoderm near site of presumptive vessel of confluence.

Specimen 6D: embryonic day 8.0; Runx1tm2Spe/Runx1+ (more )
Note: 6 somite stage. Double labeled: brown - Mixl1; blue - Runx1 reporter (assay MGI:6436904).
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS12: allantois Present Regionally restricted 6D Expression co-localizing with Runx1 within proximal allantois.
TS12: posterior crown of node Present Regionally restricted 6D Expression within presumptive posterior crown population.

Specimen 6E: embryonic day 8.0; Runx1tm2Spe/Runx1+ (more )
Note: 6 somite stage. Double labeled: brown - Mixl1; blue - Runx1 reporter (assay MGI:6436904).
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS12: umbilical blood vessel Strong Regionally restricted 6E In nascent umbilical vasculature in proximal allantois, strong expression in more proximal cells.

Specimen 6 somite stage not shown: embryonic day 8.0; Runx1tm2Spe/Runx1+ (more )
Note: 6 somite stage.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS12: allantois Present Regionally restricted Co-expression with Runx1 in ventral allantoic mesothelium.

Specimen 6F: embryonic day 8.0; Runx1tm2Spe/Runx1+ (more )
Note: 6 somite stage. Double labeled: brown - Mixl1; blue - Runx1 reporter (assay MGI:6436904).
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS12: primitive streak Strong Regionally restricted 6F Expression most intensely localized to primitive streak-associated cells adjacent to hindgut invagination.
TS12: embryo mesoderm Weak Regionally restricted 6F Faint colocalization with Runx1 reporter expression within ventral hindgut lip and proximo-ventral mesoderm.
TS12: primitive hindgut Weak Regionally restricted 6F Faint colocalization with Runx1 reporter expression within ventral hindgut lip and proximo-ventral mesoderm.

Specimen 6G: embryonic day 8.0; Runx1tm2Spe/Runx1+ (more )
Note: 6 somite stage. Double labeled: brown - Mixl1; blue - Runx1 reporter (assay MGI:6436904).
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS12: primitive streak Strong Regionally restricted 6G Expression most intensely localized to primitive streak-associated cells adjacent to hindgut invagination.
TS12: embryo mesoderm Weak Regionally restricted 6G Faint colocalization with Runx1 reporter expression within ventral hindgut lip and proximo-ventral mesoderm.
TS12: primitive hindgut Weak Regionally restricted 6G Faint colocalization with Runx1 reporter expression within ventral hindgut lip and proximo-ventral mesoderm.

Specimen 6H: embryonic day 8.5; Runx1tm2Spe/Runx1+ (more )
Note: 10 somite stage. Double labeled: brown - Mixl1; blue - Runx1 reporter (assay MGI:6436904).
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS13: primitive hindgut Present Regionally restricted 6H Expression in hindgut lip. Expression excluded from hindgut endoderm more posterior to hindgut lip.
TS13: blood island Present 6H
TS13: vitelline artery Present Regionally restricted 6H Expression localized to developing blood cells of the omphalomesenteric artery.

Specimen 6I: embryonic day 8.5; Runx1tm2Spe/Runx1+ (more )
Note: 10 somite stage. Double labeled: brown - Mixl1; blue - Runx1 reporter (assay MGI:6436904).
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS13: yolk sac mesenchyme Present Widespread 6I Expression throughout yolk sac/blood island mesoderm.
TS13: extraembryonic endoderm Strong Regionally restricted 6I Expression strongly colocalizing with Runx1 reporter expression in extraembryonic visceral endoderm.
TS13: yolk sac Present Regionally restricted 6I Within visceral yolk sac, co-localization with Runx1 in both endothelium and blood cells. Stronger expression in endothelium.
TS13: blood island Present Regionally restricted 6I Expression colocalizes with Runx1 reporter expression in presumptive erythroblasts.

Specimen 6J: embryonic day 8.5; Runx1tm2Spe/Runx1+ (more )
Note: 9 somite stage. Double labeled: brown - Mixl1; blue - Runx1 reporter (assay MGI:6436904).
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS13: chorion ectoderm Present Regionally restricted 6J Expression in lateral chorionic ectoderm adjacent to site of contiguity with yolk sac. Co-expression to a lesser extent within lateral chorionic ectoderm.
TS13: extraembryonic endoderm Present Regionally restricted 6J Colocalization with Runx1 reporter expression within extraembryonic visceral endoderm contiguous with yolk sac.

Specimen 6K: embryonic day 8.5; Runx1tm2Spe/Runx1+ (more )
Note: 10 somite stage. Double labeled: brown - Mixl1; blue - Runx1 reporter (assay MGI:6436904).
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS13: neural tube Absent 6K No expression in neural tube or brain.
TS13: amnion Present Widespread 6K Expression throughout amnion and embryonic surface ectodderm.
TS13: surface ectoderm Present Widespread 6K Expression throughout amnion and embryonic surface ectodderm.
TS13: blood island Present Regionally restricted 6K Expression in yolk sac, blood islands and primitive erythroblasts.
TS13: yolk sac Present Regionally restricted 6K Expression in yolk sac, blood islands and primitive erythroblasts.

Specimen 6K inset: embryonic day 8.5; Runx1tm2Spe/Runx1+ (more )
Note: 10 somite stage. Double labeled: brown - Mixl1; blue - Runx1 reporter (assay MGI:6436904).
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS13: blood island Present Regionally restricted 6K inset Expression in some but not all circulating primitive erythroblasts within embryonic vasculature.

Specimen 6L: embryonic day 8.5; Runx1tm2Spe/Runx1+ (more )
Note: 9 somite stage. Double labeled: brown - Mixl1; blue - Runx1 reporter (assay MGI:6436904).
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS13: dorsal aorta Absent 6L Authors report no expression within any of the structures indicated in the figure.
TS13: foregut diverticulum Absent 6L Authors report no expression within any of the structures indicated in the figure.
TS13: heart Absent 6L Authors report no expression within any of the structures indicated in the figure.
TS13: neural tube Absent 6L Authors report no expression within any of the structures indicated in the figure.
TS13: notochord Absent 6L Authors report no expression within any of the structures indicated in the figure.
TS13: paraxial mesenchyme Absent 6L Authors report no expression within any of the structures indicated in the figure.

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