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Assay Details
Reference: J:283394 Hughes LJ, et al., Yap/Taz are required for establishing the cerebellar radial glia scaffold and proper foliation. Dev Biol. 2020 Jan 1;457(1):150-162
Assay type: Immunohistochemistry
MGI Accession ID: MGI:7434448
Gene symbol: Yap1
Gene name: yes-associated protein 1
Antibody: Anti-YAP1 antibody [2F12] (ab56701)
Detection system: Secondary antibody coupled to Alexa Fluor 488
Specimen 1A: embryonic day 12.5 (more )
Note: Double labeled: green - Yap1; red - Sox9 (assay MGI:7434453).
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS20: cerebellum primordium Strong Regionally restricted 1A right lower , 1A right upper , 1A middle right , 1A left lower , 1A middle left , 1A left upper Highly expressed in proliferating ventricular zone labeled with Sox9, but was nearly undetectable in Sox9-negative postmitotic cells located closer to the pia membrane.
TS20: choroid plexus Strong 1A left lower , 1A left upper
TS20: brain meninges Strong 1A left upper , 1A right upper , 1A middle right , 1A left lower , 1A middle left , 1A right lower

Specimen 1B: embryonic day 16.5 (more )
Note: Double labeled: green - Yap1; red - Pax6 (assay MGI:7434454).
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS24: cerebellum external granule cell layer Strong 1B left , 1B right upper , 1B right lower Overlay , 1B right lower Yap Coexpressed with Pax6.
TS24: cerebellum ventricular layer Strong 1B left
TS24: choroid plexus Strong 1B left
TS24: upper rhombic lip Strong 1B left

Specimen 1C: embryonic day 16.5 (more )
Note: Double labeled: green - Yap1; red - Fabp7 (assay MGI:7434455).
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS24: cerebellum ventricular layer Strong 1C left , 1C2 Overlay , 1C1 Yap , 1C1 Overlay , 1C2 Yap Expressed in radial glia progenitors. Also expressed in radial glia processes (Fabp7+).
TS24: choroid plexus Strong 1C left
TS24: hindbrain pia mater Strong 1C left

Specimen 1D: postnatal day 0 (more )
Note: Double labeled: green - Yap1; red - Pax6 (assay MGI:7434454).
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS27: cerebellum external granule cell layer Strong Regionally restricted 1D left , 1D right Overlay , 1D middle , 1D right Yap Coexpressed with Pax6 in the outer most layers of the external granule cell layer, limited to 1-2 cell layers from the meninges.
TS27: 4th ventricle ependyma Present Regionally restricted 1D left
TS27: cerebellum Purkinje cell layer Present Regionally restricted 1D left
TS27: cerebellum white matter Present Regionally restricted 1D left
TS27: choroid plexus Present Regionally restricted 1D left

Specimen 1E: postnatal day 5 (more )
Note: Double labeled: green - Yap1; red - S100b (assay MGI:7434456).
Structure Cell Type Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: cerebellum Purkinje cell layer Bergmann glial cell Strong 1E left , 1E right Overlay , 1E right Yap Coexpressed with S100b in the soma, including the nucleus and radial processes.
TS28: cerebellum ventricular layer Present 1E left
TS28: choroid plexus Present 1E left

Specimen 1F: postnatal day 5 (more )
Note: Double labeled: green - Yap1; red - Fabp7 (assay MGI:7434455).
Structure Cell Type Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: cerebellum external granule cell layer cerebellar granule cell precursor Strong Regionally restricted 1F left , 1F middle Expressed in the outer most layers of the external granule cell layer.
TS28: cerebellum ventricular layer Bergmann glial cell Strong 1F left , 1F middle Expressed in in the soma and processes.

Specimen 1G: postnatal day 5 (more )
Note: Double labeled: green - Yap1; red - Calb1 (assay MGI:7434457).
Structure Cell Type Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: cerebellum Purkinje cell layer Purkinje cell Absent 1G middle , 1G left Not coexpressed with Calb1.

Specimen 3A: embryonic day 13.5 (more )
Note: Double labeled: green - Yap1; red - Pax6 (assay MGI:7434454).
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS21: cerebellum layer Present Regionally restricted 3A middle lower , 3A left , 3A middle upper Expressed in the cerebellum external granule cell layer.
TS21: upper rhombic lip Present 3A right upper , 3A right lower , 3A left
TS21: choroid plexus Strong 3A left , 3A right lower , 3A right upper
TS21: hindbrain meninges Strong 3A middle lower , 3A middle upper , 3A left

Specimen 3B: embryonic day 13.5; Tg(Nes-cre)1Atp/0, Wwtr1tm1.1Eno/Wwtr1tm1.1Eno, Yap1tm1.1Eno/Yap1tm1.1Eno (more )
Note: Conditional mutant. Double labeled: green - Yap1; red - Pax6 (assay MGI:7434454).
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS21: upper rhombic lip Ambiguous 3B right upper , 3B left , 3B right lower Nearly undetectable. Smaller size compared with the wild-type.
TS21: cerebellum layer Ambiguous 3B middle upper , 3B left , 3B middle lower Nearly undetectable.
TS21: choroid plexus Strong 3B left , 3B right lower , 3B right upper
TS21: hindbrain meninges Strong 3B left , 3B middle lower , 3B middle upper

Specimen 3J WT: embryonic day 16.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS24: cerebellum external granule cell layer Strong 3J WT
TS24: choroid plexus Strong 3J WT
TS24: hindbrain meninges Strong 3J WT
TS24: upper rhombic lip Strong 3J WT

Specimen 3J dCKO: embryonic day 16.5; Tg(Nes-cre)1Atp/0, Wwtr1tm1.1Eno/Wwtr1tm1.1Eno, Yap1tm1.1Eno/Yap1tm1.1Eno (more )
Note: Conditional mutant.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS24: choroid plexus Strong 3J CKO
TS24: hindbrain meninges Strong 3J CKO
TS24: cerebellum external granule cell layer Ambiguous 3J CKO Largely undetectable.
TS24: upper rhombic lip Ambiguous 3J CKO Largely undetectable. Reduced size compared with the wild-type.

Specimen 4B WT: postnatal day 0 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS27: cerebellum granule cell layer Present 4B WT
TS27: brain blood vessel Strong 4B WT
TS27: choroid plexus Strong 4B WT
TS27: hindbrain meninges Strong 4B WT

Specimen 4B dCKO: postnatal day 0; Tg(Nes-cre)1Atp/0, Wwtr1tm1.1Eno/Wwtr1tm1.1Eno, Yap1tm1.1Eno/Yap1tm1.1Eno (more )
Note: Conditional mutant.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS27: cerebellum external granule cell layer Absent 4B CKO
TS27: brain blood vessel Strong 4B CKO
TS27: choroid plexus Strong 4B CKO
TS27: hindbrain meninges Strong 4B CKO

Specimen 5A WT: postnatal day 0 (more )
Note: Double labeled: green - Yap1; red - Pax6 (assay MGI:7434454).
Structure Cell Type Level Pattern Image Note
TS27: cerebellum external granule cell layer cerebellar granule cell precursor Present Regionally restricted 5A WT middle , 5A WT left , 5A WT right Expressed in the outer most layers of the external granule cell layer.
TS27: cerebellum ventricular layer Bergmann glial cell Strong 5A WT middle , 5A WT left , 5A WT right
TS27: hindbrain meninges Strong 5A WT left , 5A WT right , 5A WT middle
TS27: choroid plexus Strong 5A WT left

Specimen 5A CKO: postnatal day 0; Tg(Atoh1-cre)1Bfri/0, Wwtr1tm1.1Eno/Wwtr1tm1.1Eno, Yap1tm1.1Eno/Yap1tm1.1Eno (more )
Note: Conditional mutant. Double labeled: green - Yap1; red - Pax6 (assay MGI:7434454).
Structure Cell Type Level Pattern Image Note
TS27: cerebellum external granule cell layer cerebellar granule cell precursor Absent 5A CKO left , 5A CKO right , 5A CKO middle
TS27: cerebellum ventricular layer Bergmann glial cell Strong 5A CKO middle , 5A CKO left , 5A CKO right
TS27: hindbrain meninges Strong 5A CKO left , 5A CKO middle , 5A CKO right
TS27: choroid plexus Strong 5A CKO left

Specimen 7A WT: embryonic day 13.5 (more )
Note: Double labeled: green - Yap1; red - Fabp7 (assay MGI:7434455).
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS21: cerebellum ventricular layer Present 7A WT right Yap , 7A WT left Expressed in radial glia progenitors.
TS21: choroid plexus Strong 7A WT left

Specimen 7A dCKO: embryonic day 13.5; Tg(Nes-cre)1Atp/0, Wwtr1tm1.1Eno/Wwtr1tm1.1Eno, Yap1tm1.1Eno/Yap1tm1.1Eno (more )
Note: Conditional mutant. Double labeled: green - Yap1; red - Fabp7 (assay MGI:7434455).
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS21: cerebellum ventricular layer Ambiguous 7A CKO right Yap , 7A CKO left Nearly undetectable expression in the radial glia progenitors.
TS21: choroid plexus Strong 7A CKO left

Specimen 7B WT: embryonic day 15.5 (more )
Note: Double labeled: green - Yap1; red - Fabp7 (assay MGI:7434455).
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS23: cerebellum ventricular layer Present 7B WT middle Yap , 7B WT middle Overlay , 7B WT left Expressed in radial glia progenitors.
TS23: choroid plexus Strong 7B WT left
TS23: hindbrain meninges Strong 7B WT left

Specimen 7B dCKO: embryonic day 15.5; Tg(Nes-cre)1Atp/0, Wwtr1tm1.1Eno/Wwtr1tm1.1Eno, Yap1tm1.1Eno/Yap1tm1.1Eno (more )
Note: Conditional mutant. Double labeled: green - Yap1; red - Fabp7 (assay MGI:7434455).
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS23: cerebellum ventricular layer Trace 7B CKO middle Yap , 7B CKO left , 7B CKO middle Overlay
TS23: choroid plexus Strong 7B CKO left
TS23: hindbrain meninges Strong 7B CKO left

Specimen 8K: embryonic day 14.5 (more )
Note: Double labeled: green - Yap1; red - Crb1 (assay MGI:7434580), Crb2 (assay MGI:7435350) and Crb3 (assay MGI:7435351).
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS22: cerebellum ventricular layer Present 8K

Specimen 8L: embryonic day 14.5; Tg(GFAP-cre)25Mes/0, Wwtr1tm1.1Eno/Wwtr1tm1.1Eno, Yap1tm1.1Eno/Yap1tm1.1Eno (more )
Note: Conditional mutant. Double labeled: green - Yap1; red - Crb1 (assay MGI:7434580), Crb2 (assay MGI:7435350) and Crb3 (assay MGI:7435351).
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS22: cerebellum ventricular layer Present Regionally restricted 8L Due to the mosaic Cre expression, expression was partially lacking.

Specimen S1A: postnatal day 0 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS27: cerebellum Purkinje cell layer Strong Graded S1A left , S1A middle Expressed in a graded distribution (anterior high and posterior low).
TS27: brain blood vessel Present S1A middle , S1A left
TS27: hindbrain meninges Present S1A middle , S1A left

Specimen S1B: postnatal day 7 (more )
Note: Double labeled: green - Yap1; red - Gfap (assay MGI:7434589).
Structure Cell Type Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: cerebellum ventricular layer Bergmann glial cell Present S1B left upper , S1B left lower , S1B right upper , S1B right lower Extensively coexpressed with Gfap in the processes.

Specimen S1C: postnatal day 14 (more )
Note: Double labeled: green - Yap1; red - S100b (assay MGI:7434456).
Structure Cell Type Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: cerebellum external granule cell layer cerebellar granule cell Absent S1C right , S1C left No expression in postmitotic cerebellar granule cells.
TS28: cerebellum external granule cell layer Bergmann glial cell Weak S1C right , S1C left Weak expression in Bergman glia cell fibers remained.

Specimen S4A/A': postnatal day 0 (more )
Note: Double labeled: green - Yap1; red - Fabp7 (assay MGI:7434455).
Structure Cell Type Level Pattern Image Note
TS27: cerebellum Bergmann glial cell Strong S4A , S4A'
TS27: choroid plexus Strong S4A , S4A'
TS27: hindbrain meninges Strong S4A , S4A'

Specimen S4B/B': postnatal day 0; Tg(Nes-cre)1Atp/0, Wwtr1tm1.1Eno/Wwtr1tm1.1Eno, Yap1tm1.1Eno/Yap1tm1.1Eno (more )
Note: Conditional mutant. Double labeled: green - Yap1; red - Fabp7 (assay MGI:7434455).
Structure Cell Type Level Pattern Image Note
TS27: brain blood vessel Strong S4B , S4B'
TS27: choroid plexus Strong S4B , S4B'
TS27: hindbrain meninges Strong S4B , S4B'
TS27: cerebellum Bergmann glial cell Absent S4B , S4B'

Specimen S5A/A': postnatal day 7 (more )
Structure Cell Type Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: cerebellum external granule cell layer Bergmann glial cell Present S5A , S5A'
TS28: choroid plexus Strong S5A' , S5A
TS28: hindbrain meninges Strong S5A' , S5A

Specimen S5B/B': postnatal day 7; Tg(Nes-cre)1Atp/0, Wwtr1tm1.1Eno/Wwtr1tm1.1Eno, Yap1tm1.1Eno/Yap1tm1.1Eno (more )
Note: Conditional mutant.
Structure Cell Type Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: cerebellum external granule cell layer Bergmann glial cell Absent S5B' , S5B
TS28: choroid plexus Strong S5B' , S5B
TS28: hindbrain meninges Strong S5B' , S5B

Specimen S6A: postnatal day 8 (more )
Note: Double labeled: green - Yap1; red - S100b (assay MGI:7434456).
Structure Cell Type Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: cerebellum external granule cell layer cerebellar granule cell precursor Present S6A
TS28: cerebellum Purkinje cell layer Bergmann glial cell Present S6A

Specimen S6B: postnatal day 8; Tg(Gfap-cre)77.6Mvs/0, Wwtr1tm1.1Eno/Wwtr1tm1.1Eno, Yap1tm1.1Eno/Yap1tm1.1Eno (more )
Note: Conditional mutant. Double labeled: green - Yap1; red - S100b (assay MGI:7434456).
Structure Cell Type Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: cerebellum external granule cell layer cerebellar granule cell precursor Present S6B Similar as in the wild-type.
TS28: cerebellum Purkinje cell layer Bergmann glial cell Present S6B Similar as in the wild-type.

Specimen S6E/E': postnatal day 21 (more )
Note: Double labeled: green - Yap1; red - Gfap (assay MGI:7434589).
Structure Cell Type Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: cerebellum vermis lobule IX Bergmann glial cell Present S6E , S6E'
TS28: brain blood vessel Present S6E , S6E'
TS28: hindbrain meninges Present S6E , S6E'

Specimen S6F/F': postnatal day 21; Tg(Gfap-cre)77.6Mvs/0, Wwtr1tm1.1Eno/Wwtr1tm1.1Eno, Yap1tm1.1Eno/Yap1tm1.1Eno (more )
Note: Conditional mutant. Double labeled: green - Yap1; red - Gfap (assay MGI:7434589).
Structure Cell Type Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: cerebellum vermis lobule IX Bergmann glial cell Weak S6F , S6F' Reduced expression compared with the wild-type.
TS28: brain blood vessel Present S6F , S6F' Similar as in the wild-type.
TS28: hindbrain meninges Present S6F , S6F' Similar as in the wild-type.

Specimen S7A/A': embryonic day 16.5 (more )
Note: Double labeled: green - Yap1; red - Fabp7 (assay MGI:7434455).
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS24: cerebellum ventricular layer Present S7A , S7A'
TS24: brain blood vessel Strong S7A
TS24: choroid plexus Strong S7A
TS24: hindbrain meninges Strong S7A

Specimen S7B/B': embryonic day 16.5; Tg(GFAP-cre)25Mes/0, Wwtr1tm1.1Eno/Wwtr1tm1.1Eno, Yap1tm1.1Eno/Yap1tm1.1Eno (more )
Note: Conditional mutant. Double labeled: green - Yap1; red - Fabp7 (assay MGI:7434455).
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS24: cerebellum ventricular layer Ambiguous S7B , S7B' Expression was diminished.
TS24: brain blood vessel Strong S7B
TS24: choroid plexus Strong S7B
TS24: hindbrain meninges Strong S7B

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