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Gene Expression Data
Assay Details
Reference: J:314694 Douchi D, et al., Induction of Gastric Cancer by Successive Oncogenic Activation in the Corpus. Gastroenterology. 2021 Dec;161(6):1907-1923.e26
Assay type: Immunohistochemistry
MGI Accession ID: MGI:7463981
Gene symbol: Pgc
Gene name: progastricsin (pepsinogen C)
Antibody: anti-PGC (MBS2001428)
Detection system: Secondary antibody coupled to Alexa Fluor
Specimen S1D: postnatal adult (more )
Note: Double labeled: green - Pgc; red - Mki67 (assay MGI:7463939). Also stained for a lectin (blue).
Structure Cell Type Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: stomach glandular region gastric gland Strong Non-Uniform S1D right , S1D left , S1D center There is strong expression in the gland base of the corpus, but there is also expression in some isthmus and neck cells.
TS28: stomach glandular region epithelium peptic cell Present S1D left , S1D right , S1D center Expression is seen in chief cells.

Specimen S1F - PGC: postnatal adult (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: stomach pyloric region gastric gland Present Regionally restricted S1F left There is expression in the gland base of the antrum.

Specimen S1G: postnatal adult (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: stomach lesser curvature Present Single cells On average there are 33 cells per corpus gland in the lesser curvature.
TS28: stomach greater curvature Present Single cells On average there are 18 expressing cells per corpus gland in the greater curvature.

Specimen 1B - lesser: postnatal adult; Pgctm1.1(cre/ERT2)Itoy/Pgc+ (more )
Note: Triple labeled: blue - Pgc protein; red - Pgc reporter (assay MGI:7461884); green - Cdh1 (assay MGI:7463976).
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: stomach lesser curvature Present Regionally restricted 1B left upper , 1B right upper Expression is seen in a fraction of the cells expressing the reporter.

Specimen 1B - greater: postnatal adult; Pgctm1.1(cre/ERT2)Itoy/Pgc+ (more )
Note: Triple labeled: blue - Pgc protein; red - Pgc reporter (assay MGI:7461884); green - Cdh1 (assay MGI:7463976).
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: stomach greater curvature Present Regionally restricted 1B left lower , 1B right lower Expression is seen in a fraction of the cells expressing the reporter.

Specimen 1F: postnatal adult; Pgctm1.1(cre/ERT2)Itoy/Pgc+ (more )
Note: Triple labeled: blue - Pgc protein; red - Pgc reporter (assay MGI:7461884); green - Mki67 (assay MGI:7463939)
Structure Cell Type Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: stomach glandular region gastric gland Present Regionally restricted 1F Ki67 PGC , 1F Merge There is strong expression in the gland base of the corpus.
TS28: stomach glandular region epithelium peptic cell Present 1F Merge , 1F Ki67 PGC Expression is seen in chief cells.

Contributing Projects:
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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