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QTL Variant Detail
QTL variant: Cq1C57BL/6J
Name: cholesterol QTL 1; C57BL/6J
MGI ID: MGI:2153948
QTL: Cq1  Location: Chr1:156452188-156452308 bp  Genetic Position: Chr1, cM position of peak correlated region/allele: 67.71 cM
QTL Note: genome coordinates based on the marker associated with the peak LOD score
Strain of Specimen:  C57BL/6J
Allele Type:    QTL
Inheritance:    Recessive
View phenotypes and curated references for all genotypes (concatenated display).
In Structures Affected by this Mutation: 1 anatomical structure(s)

Mapping and Phenotype information for this QTL, its variants and associated markers


95 microsatellite markers at an average density of 14.4-16.5 cM were used to map loci affecting obesity-associated plasma lipid concentrations in 190 (C57BL/6J x KK-Ay)F2 animals. KK-Ay animals develop severe obesity and elevated plasma lipid concentrations while C57BL/6J remain lean with lower lipid levels. F2 animals of genotype a/a at the agouti locus have an intermediate plasma cholesterol phenotype while F2 animals of genotype Ay/a have a plasma cholesterol phenotype resembling the KK-Ay parental strain.

Three QTLs involved in plasma cholesterol concentrations were identified: Cq1 (LOD = 4.6) and Cq2 (LOD = 5) are linked to D1Mit425 and D1Mit150, respectively, on mouse chromosome 1, and Cq3 (LOD = 4.3) is linked to D3Mit102 on chromosome 3.

Cq2 in linkage with D1Mit150 maps to within 1.1 cM of the Apoa2 locus. Sequencing of Apoa2 cDNA in C57BL/6J and KK revealed 7 nucleotide substitutions (resulting in 3 amino acid substitutions) within the open reading frame.

Nq1 (LOD = 4.3), a QTL involved in plasma NEFA (non-esterified fatty acids) concentrations, mapped to chromosome 9 in association with D9Mit353.

Original:  J:54322 Suto J, et al., Quantitative trait loci that regulate plasma lipid concentration in hereditary obese KK and KK-Ay mice. Biochim Biophys Acta. 1999 Mar 30;1453(3):385-95
All:  1 reference(s)

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MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory