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Mapping and Phenotype information for this QTL, its variants and associated markersJ:59047QTL mapping was performed on 369 animals from a (A/J X C3H/HeJ)F1 X C3H/HeJ backcross population to detect loci associated with methacholine-induced airway hyperresponsiveness, a phenotype similar to asthma in humans. 81-97 polymorphic markers at an average resolution of 15 cM were typed in 232 phenotypically extreme backcross animals. Parental strain A/J exhibits greater airway responsiveness when challenged with methacholine compared to parental strain C3H/HeJ. (A/J X C3H/HeJ)F1 animals exhibit an intermediate phenotype skewed towards the A/J phenotype. Bhr5, a QTL on mouse Chromosome 6 previously identified by Ewart et al (J:33778) was detected and confirmed. In the present study Bhr5 mapped to 55 cM - 95 cM with a LOD score of 3.32 at D6Mit366. 02.09.2015 Curators Note: Because Bhr5 was originally mapped in Ewart et al (J:33778) using the same strains but the mapping backcross was performed in the opposite direction, (C3H/HeJ x A/J)F1 x A/J, we consider this a separate mapping experiment and have named the QTL identified in this study as Bhr7.A novel locus, Bhr6, mapped to mouse Chromosome 7 from 0 cM - 30 cM with a LOD score of 3.8 at D7Mit247. A possible candidate gene for Bhr6 is Klk, the kallikrein gene. Standard ANOVA analysis did not detect interaction between Bhr5 and Bhr6. A suggestive locus mapped to mouse Chromosome 17 at 23.3 cM (LOD = 1.7 at D17Mit215). |
References |
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO) |
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last database update 12/10/2024 MGI 6.24 |