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Mapping and Phenotype information for this QTL, its variants and associated markersJ:11381(DBA/2J x EL)F1 x DBA/2J and (ABP/LeJ x EL)F1 x ABP/LeJ backcross populations were used to map QTLs associated with susceptibility to epileptic seizures. Parental strain EL is highly susceptible to epileptic seizures whereas parental strains DBA/2J and ABP/LeJ are resistant. F1 hybrid animals exhibit seizure susceptibility to a lesser degree than parental strain EL. A locus with significant association to epileptic seizures, El1, was detected on mouse Chromosome 9 (P<0.001) in both backcross populations. El1 maps near Mpmv27, Myo5a, Bmp5, and Glb1 and gives a peak LOD score of 5.88 between Glb1 and Bmp5. 7.13.2015 Curator Note: Because two different crosses were used in this study we consider each QTL to be unique. We have left the QTL identified here, using the (DBA/2J x EL)F1 x DBA/2J backcross, with the original El1 nomenclature. We have named the QTL identified using the (ABP/LeJ x EL)F1 x ABP/LeJ backcross as El7.A locus significantly linked to seizures, El2, was detected on mouse Chromosome 2(P<0.001) in the (ABP/LeJ x EL)F1 x ABP/LeJ backcross population. El2 is linked to Mpmv28 with a peak LOD score of 5.2. |
References |
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO) |
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last database update 12/17/2024 MGI 6.24 |