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Targeted Allele Detail
Symbol: Cenpbtm1Khac
Name: centromere protein B; targeted mutation 1, K H Andy Choo
MGI ID: MGI:2181521
Synonyms: +/- neo, R1-
Gene: Cenpb  Location: Chr2:131019209-131021974 bp, - strand  Genetic Position: Chr2, 63.29 cM
Alliance: Cenpbtm1Khac page
Germline Transmission:  Earliest citation of germline transmission: J:47171
Parent Cell Line:  R1 (ES Cell)
Strain of Origin:  (129X1/SvJ x 129S1/Sv)F1-Kitl+
Allele Type:    Targeted (Null/knockout)
Mutation:    Insertion
Mutation detailsStop codons were introduced into all three reading frames of the intronless gene by the insertion a translation frameshift linker into the amino-terminal centromere DNA-binding domain. An IRES-neomycin selection marker was inserted in the 3' untranslated region upstream of the poly adenylation signal. RT-PCR analysis of heterozygous mutant mice showed the expression of a truncated transcript. Mice possessing both this allele and Cenpbtm2Khac were shown to lack transcript and protein was not detected by immunofluorescence staining of metaphase chromosomes. (J:47171)
View phenotypes and curated references for all genotypes (concatenated display).
In Structures Affected by this Mutation: 6 anatomical structure(s)
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Mouse strains and cell lines available from the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Carrying this Mutation:  Mouse Strains: 0 strains available      Cell Lines: 0 lines available
Carrying any Cenpb Mutation:  18 strains or lines available
Original:  J:47171 Hudson DF, et al., Centromere protein B null mice are mitotically and meiotically normal but have lower body and testis weights. J Cell Biol. 1998 Apr 20;141(2):309-19
All:  3 reference(s)

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MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory