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QTL Variant Detail
QTL variant: Lmr30C57BL/6
Name: leishmaniasis resistance 30; C57BL/6
MGI ID: MGI:2446900
QTL: Lmr30  Location: ChrX:102062606-102062720 bp  Genetic Position: ChrX, Syntenic
Strain of Specimen:  C57BL/6
Allele Type:    QTL
Mutation:    Undefined
    This allele confers susceptibility to leishmaniasis compared to BALB/c in conjunction with Lmr1. (J:57691)
Inheritance:    Dominant
View phenotypes and curated references for all genotypes (concatenated display).
This allele, in conjunction with homozygosity for BALB/c-derived alleles at Lmr1, confers susceptibility to Leishmania major infection.

Mapping and Phenotype information for this QTL, its variants and associated markers


In mice, susceptibility to Leishmania major infection is genetically controlled with BALB/c mice being susceptible and C57BL/6 mice being resistant. Previous studies have revealed the presence of two QTLs Lmr1 and Lmr2 (see J:40874). Analysis of the data from the crosses implicated the presence of a X-Chromosome QTL with a dominantly acting C57BL/6 susceptibility allele. Employing a strategy to identify interacting loci, the authors were able to show that Lmr1 and Lmr2 interact synergistically as well as describe the presence of a new locus Lmr30 on the X Chromosome mapping with marker DXMit170 with a Z score of 3.9. [Fig.1.] The C57BL/6 allele at Lmr30 acts dominantly to cause susceptibility in the presence of homozygosity for the BALB/c allele at the Lmr1 locus. Tnfsf5 is a possible candidate for the Lmr30 QTL.

Original:  J:57691 Roberts LJ, et al., Chromosomes X, 9, and the H2 locus interact epistatically to control Leishmania major infection. Eur J Immunol. 1999 Sep;29(9):3047-50
All:  1 reference(s)

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MGI 6.24
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