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QTL Variant Detail
QTL variant: Kcal2C57BL/6J
Name: kilocalorie 2; C57BL/6J
MGI ID: MGI:2449303
QTL: Kcal2  Location: Chr17:26401012-52911704 bp  Genetic Position: Chr17, Syntenic
Strain of Specimen:  C57BL/6J
Allele Type:    QTL

Candidate Genes


Previously identified QTLs Mnic1 (macronutrient intake, carbohydrate 1) and Kcal2 (kilocalorie 2) at 20 cM on mouse Chromosome 17 were confirmed by analysis of speed congenic lines. B6.CAST- (D17Mit19-D17Mit91) carries a 38 cM region of CAST/EiJ-derived DNA from D17Mit19 (3 cM; 4.7 Mb) to D17Mit91 (37.8 cM; 63.5 Mb) on a C57BL/6J genetic background. The congenic interval contains Mnic1 and Kcal2. Donor strain CAST/EiJ displays significantly higher total daily caloric intake compared to background strain C57BL/6J. Likewise, congenic line B6.CAST-(D17Mit19-D17Mit91) displays 17% higher total calorie intake compared to C57BL/6J and prefers a carbohydrate diet (27% increase) over a fat diet.

Glp1r at 18 cM is a positional candidate gene for Kcal2. Glp1r exhibits decreased expression in the hypothalamus and antral stomach, and increased expression in the pancreas, of CAST/EiJ mice compared to C57BL/6J mice. In B6.CAST- (D17Mit19-D17Mit91) mice, Glp1r expression is increased in the pancreas and decreased in the stomach compared to C57BL/6J mice. Sequence analysis of Glp1r revealed 3 polymorphisms between CAST/EiJ and C57BL/6J, one of which results in an amino acid substitution in exon 13 (C416Y). Glo1 at 16 cM is a positional candidate gene for Mnic1. Glo1 exhibits increased expression in liver and hypothalamus of congenic mice compared to C57BL/6J. Sequence analysis of Glo1 detected one silent polymorphism between CAST/EiJ and C57BL/6J. Other potential candidate genes mapping to the congenic interval include Clps (13.1 cM), Ppard (13.5 cM), and Apom.

Mapping and Phenotype information for this QTL, its variants and associated markers


502 animals from an F2 cross between C57BL/6J and CAST/EiJ were typed for 98 polymorphic markers at an average spacing of 20 cM to identify QTLs associated with diet preference and calorie intake. Parental strain C57BL/6J exhibits a greater fat/protein (F/P) diet preference and F/P kilocalorie intake compared to CAST/EiJ, and parental strain CAST/EiJ exhibits a greater carbohydrate/fat (C/P) intake preference compared to C57BL/6J. F1 hybrid animals exhibit intermediate F/P preference but greater total calorie intake compared to both parental strains.

Three fat intake QTLs mapped to mouse Chromosomes 8 (Mnif1), 18 (Mnif2), and X (Mnif3). The Mnif1 QTL range spans 12 cM - 35 cM on mouse Chromosome 18 with peak linkage to F/P kcal intake (LOD=8) between D8Mit24 (18 cM) and D8Mit5 (25 cM). Mnif1 contributes 7% of the total variance for fat intake with C57BL/6J-derived alleles conferring increased F/P kcal intake and F/P preference at this locus. Mnif2 maps to a broad region from10 cM- 40 cM on mouse Chromosome 18. Mnif2 gives peak linkage (LOD=6) to F/P kcal intake near D18Mit10 (26 cM) and contributes 4.8% of the total variance. CAST/EiJ-derived alleles confer increased F/P kcal intake and F/P preference at this locus. Mnif3 maps toa broad interval spanning 15cM - 60cM on mouse Chromosome X with a maximum LOD=4 for F/P kcal intake at approximately 18 cM. The authors hypothesize that Mnif3 may contain 2 or more separate loci. C57BL/6J-derived alleles confer increased F/P kcal intakeand F/P preference at Mnif3. This locus also shows strong linkage to baseline body weight (LOD=12.1) from 12 cM - 26 cM. Mnif3 contributes to 4.6% of the phenotypic variance.

Three carbohydrate intake QTLs mapped to mouse Chromosomes 17 (Mnic1), 6 (Mnifc), and X (Mnic3). CAST/Ei-derived alleles confer increased carbohydrate intake at all 3 Mnic loci. The Mnic1 QTL interval spans 7 cM - 23 cM on mouse Chromosome 17 with a peak LOD=6.7 for C/P kcal intake between D17Mit100 (11.75 cM) and D17Mit16 (17.4 cM).Mnic1 contributes 5.4%of the phenotypic variance. A possible candidate gene for Mnic1 is Clps, but sequence analysis of RT-PCR products revealed 2 silent polymorphismsand no other sequence changes. Mnic2 gives maximum linkage to C/P kcal intake on mouse Chromosome 6 with LOD=3.5 between D6Mit29 (36.5 cM) and D6Mit11 (49.4 cM) and contributes 3.7% of the phenotypic variance. Mnic3 spans a broad QTL range on mouse Chromosome X from approximately 15 cM - 60 cM with a maximum LOD=4 in linkage with C/P kcalintake at approximately 40cM. Mnic3 only appears when body weight is used as a covariate and contributes 3.7% of the phenotypic variance.

Two QTLs linked to total calorie intake mapped to mouse Chromosomes 18 (Kcal1), 17 (Kcal2), and 2 (Kcal3). CAST/Ei-derived alleles confer increased total kcal intake over 10 days at Kcal1 and Kcal2. Kcal1 spans 10 cM - 26 cM on mouse Chromosome 18 with peak linkage (LOD=7.7) at approximately 20 cM. Kcal1 contributes 4.6% of the phenotypic variance and maps near Mnif2 butappears to act as a separate QTL. Kcal2 spans8 cM - 37 cM on mouse Chromosome 17 between D17Mit100 and D17Mit6 with peak linkage (LOD=4.9) at approximately 20 cM. Kcal2 contributes 4.4% of the phenotypic variance and maps near Mnic1 but appears to act as a separate QTL. When Kcal2 is absent, a third QTL, Kcal3 can be detectedon mouse Chromosome 2 from 74 cM - 92 cM with peak linkage to baseline body weight (LOD=7.8) at 82cM. Kcal3 contributes 3.5% of the phenotypic variance. C57BL/6J-derived alleles confer increased total kcal intake over 10 days at this locus.

Original:  J:81234 Smith Richards BK, et al., QTL analysis of self-selected macronutrient diet intake: fat, carbohydrate, and total kilocalories. Physiol Genomics. 2002 Dec 3;11(3):205-17
All:  2 reference(s)

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