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Transgene Detail
Symbol: Tg(Hbb-b1)83Clo
Name: transgene insertion 83, Cecilia W Lo
MGI ID: MGI:2655271
Synonyms: TgN(Hbb-b1)83Clo, TgN(Hbb-b1)83Lo
Transgene: Tg(Hbb-b1)83Clo  Location: unknown  Genetic Position: Chr3, Syntenic
Alliance: Tg(Hbb-b1)83Clo page
Strain of Origin:  C57BL/6J or SJL/J
Transgene Type:    Transgenic (Inserted expressed sequence)
Mutation:    Insertion
Tg(Hbb-b1)83Clo expresses 1 gene
Mutation detailsThe transgenic construct comprised a pBR322-derived plasmid containing a 7.0-kb mouse genomic EcoRI fragment that included the mouse beta-major globin gene. In situ hybridization of a plasmid-derived probe to bone marrow metaphase chromosome spreads localized the integration site to the telomeric end of Chr 3. 800-1000 tandem copies of the transgene were estimated, by Southern blot analysis, to have integrated in this transgenic line. Northern blot analysis confirmed the expected lack (due to presence of the pBR322 sequences) of transcription of the exogenous globin genes, and analysis of blood from mice bearing the transgene detected no expression of the beta-major globin chain in their hemoglobin. (J:82632, J:123337)
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Carrying this Mutation:  Mouse Strains: 4 strains available      Cell Lines: 0 lines available
Origin Note: To generate this transgene, the authors "ionotophoretically injected the plasmid...into the pronuclei of mouse eggs (C57BL/6J x SJL/J)." (J:123337)
Original:  J:90003 Lo CW, Localization of low abundance DNA sequences in tissue sections by in situ hybridization. J Cell Sci. 1986 Mar;81:143-62
All:  13 reference(s)

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MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory