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QTL Variant Detail
QTL variant: Loco1KJR/Ms
Name: locomotor activity 1; KJR/Ms
MGI ID: MGI:2669266
QTL: Loco1  Location: Chr3:150461893-150462042 bp  Genetic Position: Chr3, cM position of peak correlated region/allele: 76.65 cM
QTL Note: genome coordinates based on the marker associated with the peak LOD score
Strain of Specimen:  KJR/Ms
Allele Type:    QTL
Mutation:    Undefined
    This allele confers increased spontaneous activity compared to BLG2/Ms. (J:78169)
View phenotypes and curated references for all genotypes (concatenated display).

Mapping and Phenotype information for this QTL, its variants and associated markers


Two separate backcross populations were analyzed for loci associated with spontaneous activity. Parental strains NJL/Ms and KJR/Ms are hyperactive whereas parental strain BLG2/Ms is hypoactive. 93 polymorphic markers at an average spacing of 20 cM were screened in (KJR/Ms x BLG2/Ms)F1 x BLG2/Ms and (NJL/Ms x BLG2/Ms)F1 x BLG2/Ms backcross populations.

A locus reached peak significance in the (KJR/Ms x BLG2/Ms)F1 x BLG2/Ms population at D3Mit128 (83.5 cM, LOD=4.8) on mouse Chromosome 3 and was named Loco1. KJR/Ms-derived alleles appear to confer increased activity at this locus.

A second locus mapped to mouse Chromosome 17 at D17Mit168 (23 cM, LOD=2.2) in the (KJR/Ms x BLG2/Ms)F1 x BLG2/Ms population and was named Loco2. This locus interacts epistatically with Loco1. KJR/Ms-derived alleles confer increased activity at Loco2 only when KJR/Ms alleles are also present at Loco1.

Linkage analysis of the (NJL/Ms x BLG2/Ms)F1 x BLG2/Ms backcross population did not yield any QTLs.

Original:  J:78169 Furuse T, et al., QTL analyses of spontaneous activity by using mouse strains from Mishima battery. Mamm Genome. 2002 Aug;13(8):411-5
All:  1 reference(s)

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MGI 6.24
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