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QTL Variant Detail
QTL variant: Afw18DBA/2
Name: abdominal fat weight QTL 18; DBA/2
MGI ID: MGI:2679845
QTL: Afw18  Location: unknown  Genetic Position: Chr13, Syntenic
Strain of Specimen:  DBA/2
Allele Type:    QTL
Inheritance:    Not Specified
View phenotypes and curated references for all genotypes (concatenated display).
In Structures Affected by this Mutation: 1 anatomical structure(s)
Afw6 exhibits additive inheritance.

Trait Annotation
(using the Vertebrate Trait Ontology)

organism trait
body size trait
body fat mass VT:0010482
affect on abdominal fat weight - J:66233

Candidate Genes


A search for candidate genes was performed using DU6 and DU6i high body weight selection lines and lean unselected lines DUKs and DBA/2. RNA from epididymal fat tissue of 20 males from each line (DU6, DU6i, DUKs and DBA2/J) was pooled for analysis in Affymetrix GeneChips and resulted in the identification of 77 differentially expressed candidate genes. Of these, 14 genes are located in QTLs intervals affecting body weight and abdominal fat weight.

On mouse Chromosome 4, candidate gene Ak2 (61 cM) is upregulated in selected lines while candidate gene Ubxd5 at 65.7 cM (formerly 4930506L07Rik) is downregulated in selected lines. These genes map to the Afw14 QTL interval at 66 cM.

On mouse Chromosome 5, candidate gene Mcm7 is downregulated in selected lines compared to unselected lines. This gene is located near the Afw15 (80 cM) and Bw13 (81 cM) QTL intervals.

On mouse Chromosome 7, candidate genes Ldhc (23.5 cM) and Stard10 exhibit decreased expression in selected versus unselected lines. These genes are located near the Afw9 (23 cM) QTL interval.

On mouse Chromosome 11, candidate gene Prkca (68 cM) is upregulated in selected lines versus unselected lines. Candidate genes Ero1lb (formerly 1300013B24Rik-*note the current location of this gene according to assembly data inthe Mouse Genome Database is chromosome 13) and EST AA178476 map to the Bw4 QTL interval at 55 cM and display increased expression in selected lines compared to unselected lines. Zpbp is down-regulated in selected lines compared tounselected lines and maps to the Afw5 (10 cM) and Bw16 (14 cM) QTL intervals.

On mouse Chromosome 12, candidate gene Serpina3c maps near the Afw10 (21 cM) and Bw9 (17 cM) QTL intervals and is upregulated in selected lines. These genes are upregulated inselected lines compared to unselected lines. Candidate gene Cox8a (*note- the current location of this gene according to data in the Mouse Genome Database is chromosome 19) also maps to the same QTL intervals but is downregulated in selected lines comparedto unselected lines. Candidate gene Igh-1a (58 cM) maps near QTL Afw10 and is upregulated in selected lines compared to unselected lines.

On mouse Chromosome 13, candidate genes Hfe (15 cM) and Hist1h1c (formerly H1f2) map near the Afw18 QTL interval (11cM). These genes are upregulated in selected lines compared to unselected lines.

Mapping and Phenotype information for this QTL, its variants and associated markers


QTL effecting body weight, obesity and muscle weight were found on mouse Chromosomes 1, 4, 5, 7, 11, 12, 13, and 17 and for leptin on 14 and insulin on chromosome 4. The cross used in the genome wide scan included approximately 400 F2 mice from a (DU6i xDBA/2)F1 intercross. DU6i is a strain selected for high body weight. 93 microsatellite markers were analyzed in the genome wide scan.

Locations of the QTL were provided by the authors and may not be equivalent to the closest microsatellites. Body weightQTL 15, abdominal fat weight QTL 6, abdominal fat percent QTL 4, molecular weight of quadriceps QTL 5 and body weight QTL 10 were mapped to mouse Chromosome 13 to positions 10, 11, 13, 43 and 47 respectively.

10.03.2014 - Curator Note: We had originallyassociated the abdominal fat weight QTL 6 identified here, mapping to 11cM on mouse Chr 13, as Afw6. Afw6 was originally mapped using a different cross, an outbred cross of DU6 x DUK, in J:49578 in 1998. We consider the current mapping study a separatemapping experiment and have named the QTL identified here as Afw18.

01.07.2015 -Curator Note: We had originally associated the body weight QTL 10 identified here, mapping to 47cM on Chr13 as Bw10. Bw10 was originally mapped using a different cross,an outbred cross of DU6 x DUK, in J:49578, in 1998. We consider the current mapping study a separate mapping experiment and have named the QTL identified here as Bw39.

04.14.2015 - Curator Note: Because the abdominal fat percent QTL 4, (Afpq4) was orginally mapped in J:49578 in 1998 using an an outbred cross of DU6 xDUK, which differs from the cross used here we consider the current mapping study a separate mapping experiment and have named the QTL Afpq12.

Original:  J:66233 Brockmann GA, et al., Single QTL effects, epistasis, and pleiotropy account for two-thirds of the phenotypic F(2) variance of growth and obesity in DU6i x DBA/2 mice. Genome Res. 2000 Dec;10(12):1941-57
All:  1 reference(s)

Contributing Projects:
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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