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Transgene Detail
Symbol: Tg(TCF/Lef1-lacZ)34Efu
Name: transgene insertion 34, Elaine Fuchs
MGI ID: MGI:3057160
Synonyms: TCF-betagal, Tg(Fos-lacZ)34Efu, Top-Gal, TOPGAL
Transgene: Tg(TCF/Lef1-lacZ)34Efu  Location: unknown  
Alliance: Tg(TCF/Lef1-lacZ)34Efu page
Strain of Origin:  Not Specified
Transgene Type:    Transgenic (Reporter)
Mutation:    Insertion
Mutation detailsThe transgene contains the lacZ gene under the control of a promoter consisting of three consensus lymphoid enhancer binding factor 1/transcription factor 3 (LEF/TCF)-binding motifs upstream of a minimal Fos promoter. This allele is responsive to canonical Wnt/beta-catenin signal transduction. (J:55937)
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Disease models
In Structures Affected by this Mutation: 3 anatomical structure(s)
Tumor Data
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Carrying this Mutation:  Mouse Strains: 2 strains available      Cell Lines: 0 lines available
Homozygous transgenic mice are viable, fertile, normal in size, and do not display any gross physical or behavioral abnormalities.

Transgenic mice express beta-galactosidase in the presence of the lymphoid enhancer binding factor 1/transcription factor 3 (LEF1/TCF3) mediated signaling pathway and activated Beta-catenin (CATNB).

Transgenic mice display Beta-galactosidase activity during early embryonic development in a subset of pluripotent embryonic basal cells of the epithelium and dermis of developing hair follicles. Beta-galactosidase activity is not detected in the next stage of hair follicle development, formation of hair germs. At E16.5, transgene activity reappears in hair follicles and is detectable until 18 days after birth.

Original:  J:55937 DasGupta R, et al., Multiple roles for activated LEF/TCF transcription complexes during hair follicle development and differentiation. Development. 1999 Oct;126(20):4557-68
All:  201 reference(s)

Contributing Projects:
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory