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QTL Variant Detail
QTL variant: Anth2A/J
Name: resistance to Bacillus anthracis 2; A/J
MGI ID: MGI:3609203
QTL: Anth2  Location: unknown  Genetic Position: Chr2, Syntenic
Strain of Specimen:  A/J
Allele Type:    QTL

Mapping and Phenotype information for this QTL, its variants and associated markers


Anth2 is a previously identified QTL for resistance/susceptibility to infection with the Sterne strain of Bacillus anthracis. Anth2 is located on mouse Chromosome 2 and shows association with the Hc locus at 23.5 cM. Hc appears to be an attractive candidate gene for Anth2 as resistant inbred mouse strains CBA/J and BALB/cJ carry functional Hc genes while the susceptible inbred mouse strain A/J carries deficient Hc genes. The following experiments support the candidacy of Hc as the gene responsible for Anth2.

The association of Sterne resistance/susceptibility was evaluated in 46 (A/J x CBA/J)F1 x A/J backcross animals and 48 (A/J x CBA/J)F1 x CBA/J backcross animal. None of the (A/J x CBA/J)F1 x CBA/J backcross animals died after infection with 105 units of Sterne B.anthracis while 39% of (A/J x CBA/J)F1 x A/J backcross animals succumbed to infection. All of the animals that died displayed 1% Hc activity while all surviving animals displayed between 11%-100% Hc activity. (%Hc activity was measured relative to the Hc activity in resistant parental strain CBA/J.) Interestingly, surviving backcross animals with pre-infection Hc activity levels between 15%-33% showed an increase to 68%-95% post-infection.

Sterne resistance/susceptibility was also evaluated in a population of 46 (A/J x CBA/J)F2 animals. Only 5 (11%) F2 animals died after infection with 10<5 units of Sterne B.anthracis. Again, all of the F2 animals that died from Sterne infection were negative for Hc activity while 98% of the surviving F2 animals were positive for Hc activity.

A group of 7 different AXL (A=A/J; L=C57L/J) recombinant inbred (RI) strain and 7 different BXD (B=C57BL/6J; D=DBA/J) RI strains were infected with 105 units of Sterne B.anthracis and evaluated for survival. 70%-100% of animals from Hc negative RI strains died after Sterne infection compared to 1%-14% of animals from Hc positive RI strains.

Original:  J:9501 Welkos SL, et al., Pathogenesis and genetic control of resistance to the Sterne strain of Bacillus anthracis. Microb Pathog. 1988 Jan;4(1):53-69
All:  1 reference(s)

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MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory