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Transgene Detail
Symbol: Tg(CD2-Tgfbr2)1Grs
Name: transgene insertion 1, Ronald E Gress
MGI ID: MGI:3614440
Synonyms: DNRII, dominant-negative TGF-beta type II receptor transgene
Transgene: Tg(CD2-Tgfbr2)1Grs  Location: unknown  
Alliance: Tg(CD2-Tgfbr2)1Grs page
Strain of Origin:  C57BL/6
Transgene Type:    Transgenic (Inserted expressed sequence)
Mutation:    Insertion
Tg(CD2-Tgfbr2)1Grs expresses 1 gene
Mutation detailsThe transgene comprises a 0.7-kb DNA fragment encoding a truncated transforming growth factor beta type II receptor lacking the cytoplasmic tail, with a 5' influenza hemaglutinin (HA) tag, between a 5 kb human genomic DNA fragment containing the promoter through the first intron of the CD2 gene and a 5.5 kb fragment from the 3' untranslated region of human CD2 containing two polyadenylation signals and the locus control region (LCR).

T-cell specific transgene mRNA expression in splenocytes of transgenic mice was demonstrated by semi-quantitative RT-PCR using primers for the HA tag sequence. Expression levels are similar in CD4+ and in CD8+ T cells.

Transgene-derived, TGF beta 1-binding receptors were identified on T cells cultured from transgenic mice by incubating the cells with 125I-labeled ligand, then cross-linking the receptor-ligand complexes and precipitating them from cell lysates with HA tag-specific monoclonal antibodies. (J:97523)

Inheritance:    Semidominant
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In Structures Affected by this Mutation: 3 anatomical structure(s)
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Carrying this Mutation:  Mouse Strains: 1 strain available      Cell Lines: 0 lines available
This is a representative transgene. These data describe a composite of seven transgenic founders (T12I2, T12E1, T12E2, T12G2, T12H1, T12I3 and T12#9), five or six of which transmitted the transgene to their offspring. While the lines from which specific data are presented or illustrated are identified, it is unclear whether every test was performed on mice from every line. The phenotype is said to be qualitatively the same among different lines, but its age of onset, rate of progression and severity are reported to correlate with transgene copy number. (J:97523)
Original:  J:97523 Lucas PJ, et al., Disruption of T cell homeostasis in mice expressing a T cell-specific dominant negative transforming growth factor beta II receptor. J Exp Med. 2000 Apr 3;191(7):1187-96
All:  11 reference(s)

Contributing Projects:
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory