Affected Systems |
abnormal craniofacial bone morphology
fusion of atlas and occipital bones
abnormal malleus morphology
gonial bone hypoplasia
absent malleus manubrium
absent malleus processus brevis
abnormal palate morphology
abnormal palatal shelf fusion at midline
short soft palate
abnormal external auditory canal morphology
digestive/alimentary system
abnormal palate morphology
abnormal palatal shelf fusion at midline
short soft palate
abnormal epiglottis morphology
abnormal palate morphology
abnormal palatal shelf fusion at midline
short soft palate
abnormal external auditory canal morphology
abnormal external auditory canal morphology
abnormal middle ear morphology
abnormal malleus morphology
gonial bone hypoplasia
absent malleus manubrium
absent malleus processus brevis
abnormal tympanic ring morphology
neonatal lethality, complete penetrance
neonatal lethality, incomplete penetrance
respiratory system
abnormal epiglottis morphology
respiratory distress
abnormal axial skeleton morphology
abnormal craniofacial bone morphology
fusion of atlas and occipital bones
abnormal malleus morphology
gonial bone hypoplasia
absent malleus manubrium
absent malleus processus brevis
abnormal epiglottis morphology
increased sternebra number
abnormal sternocostal joint morphology
thoracic vertebral transformation
abnormal arcus anterior morphology
cervical vertebral fusion
abnormal vertebral arch morphology
fusion of vertebral arches