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Targeted Allele Detail
Symbol: Gt(ROSA)26Sortm4(CAG-lacZ,-EGFP)Dym
Name: gene trap ROSA 26, Philippe Soriano; targeted mutation 4, Susan M Dymecki
MGI ID: MGI:3777625
Synonyms: Gt(ROSA)26Sortm4Dym, RC::PFwe
Gene: Gt(ROSA)26Sor  Location: Chr6:113044389-113054205 bp, - strand  Genetic Position: Chr6, 52.73 cM
Alliance: Gt(ROSA)26Sortm4(CAG-lacZ,-EGFP)Dym page
Germline Transmission:  Earliest citation of germline transmission: J:133039
Parent Cell Line:  Not Specified (ES Cell)
Strain of Origin:  129
Allele Type:    Targeted (Conditional ready, Reporter)
Mutation:    Insertion
Mutation detailsA dual recombinase-responsive indicator cassette was knocked into the gene locus. This cassette consisted of (upstream to downstream): a cytomegalovirus enhancer/chicken beta-actin promoter; a splice acceptor; a loxP-flanked PGK-neomycin resistance cassette followed by four consecutive polyadenylation sequences; a FRT-flanked nuclear lacZ encoding gene followed by five consecutive polyadenylation sequences; and a bicistronic element encoding for wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) and a farnesylated, membrane-localized form of eGFP. This allele expresses nlacZ after cre-mediated excision of the neo cassette and turns off nlacZ and turns on WGA and eGFP expression after both cre- and Flp-recombinases are expressed. (J:133039)
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Mouse strains and cell lines available from the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Carrying this Mutation:  Mouse Strains: 0 strains available      Cell Lines: 0 lines available
Carrying any Gt(ROSA)26Sor Mutation:  994 strains or lines available
Original:  J:133039 Farago AF, et al., Assembly of the brainstem cochlear nuclear complex is revealed by intersectional and subtractive genetic fate maps. Neuron. 2006 Apr 20;50(2):205-18
All:  7 reference(s)

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MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory