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Targeted Allele Detail
Symbol: Dp(XTceal3-Plp1)1Gmh
Name: duplication 1, Grace Hobson; duplication, Chr X, Grace Hobson 1
MGI ID: MGI:3852180
Synonyms: Dp(XMHPN312j24-MHPP264b06)1Tju, Dp(XTceal3-Plp1)1Tju, Plp1 dup
Gene: Dp(XTceal3-Plp1)1Gmh  Location: ChrX:135491593-135739331 bp  Genetic Position: ChrX, Syntenic
Germline Transmission:  Earliest citation of germline transmission: J:199809
Parent Cell Line:  AB2.2 (ES Cell)
Strain of Origin:  129S7/SvEvBrd-Hprt1b-m2
Allele Type:    Targeted
Mutation:    Insertion
  Dp(XTceal3-Plp1)1Gmh involves 9 genes/genome features (Gm23068, Tceal3, Gm15010 ...) View all
Mutation detailsMicer clones MHPN312j24 (NCBIM37, 133123007-133127471) and MHPP264b06 (NCBIM37, 133374577-133383807) and cre mediated recombination were used to generate a tandem head-to-tail duplication of a 260.8 kb region between the two sites and a complete HPRT gene at the junction. The duplication spans from Tceal3 through 9.5 kb distal of Plp1. Presence of a duplication was confirmed in mice by semiquantitative multiplex PCR, Southern blot analysis, and FISH. qRT-PCR indicates an increase in Plp1, Tceal1, Tceal3, Morf4l2 and BC065397 transcript levels at multiple postnatal time points. (J:199809)
View phenotypes and curated references for all genotypes (concatenated display).
Disease models
In Structures Affected by this Mutation: 3 anatomical structure(s)
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Mouse strains and cell lines available from the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Carrying this Mutation:  Mouse Strains: 0 strains available      Cell Lines: 0 lines available
Carrying any Dp(XTceal3-Plp1)1Gmh Mutation:  1 strain or line available
Original:  J:199809 Clark K, et al., Gait abnormalities and progressive myelin degeneration in a new murine model of pelizaeus-merzbacher disease with tandem genomic duplication. J Neurosci. 2013 Jul 17;33(29):11788-99
All:  1 reference(s)

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MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory