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Targeted Allele Detail
Symbol: Tmem107tm1Lex
Name: transmembrane protein 107; targeted mutation 1, Lexicon Pharmaceuticals
MGI ID: MGI:5007367
Synonyms: Tmem107-
Gene: Tmem107  Location: Chr11:68961635-68964119 bp, + strand  Genetic Position: Chr11, 42.35 cM, cytoband B3
Alliance: Tmem107tm1Lex page
Germline Transmission:  Earliest citation of germline transmission: J:171883
Parent Cell Line:  Not Specified (ES Cell)
Strain of Origin:  129S5/SvEvBrd
Project Collection: Lexicon
Allele Type:    Targeted (Null/knockout)
Mutation:    Intragenic deletion
    Exons 1 through 5 were replaced with the targeting vector. (J:171883)
hm homozygous ht heterozygous tg involves transgenes phenotype observed
cn conditional genotype  cx complex: > 1 genome feature ot other: hemizygous, indeterminate,... N normal phenotype
Allelic Composition
Genetic Background
Cell Line(s)
involves: 129S5/SvEvBrd * C3HeB/FeJ * C57BL/6J * C57BL/6N
Affected Systems
show or hide all annotated terms
abnormal primary cilium morphology
abnormal craniofacial morphology
abnormal cranium morphology
abnormal basisphenoid bone morphology
impaired ossification of basisphenoid bone
short Meckel's cartilage
abnormal cranial cartilage development
small frontal bone
small parietal bone
abnormal mandible morphology
short mandible
abnormal maxilla morphology
decreased maxillary shelf size
abnormal premaxilla morphology
small maxilla
abnormal palatine bone morphology
small zygomatic bone
abnormal facial morphology
absent nasal bone
small nasal bone
abnormal palatal mesenchymal cell proliferation
abnormal palatal shelf morphology
abnormal palatal shelf bone ossification
palatal shelves fail to meet at midline
cleft upper lip
unilateral cleft upper lip
abnormal palatal rugae morphology
cleft palate
cleft secondary palate
abnormal palatal shelf elevation
abnormal tongue morphology
abnormal tongue position
decreased tongue size
abnormal nasal septum cartilage morphology
abnormal vomeronasal cartilage morphology
abnormal vomeronasal organ morphology
large nasal septum
thick nasal septum
abnormal snout morphology
broad snout
short snout
abnormal head shape
digestive/alimentary system
decreased maxillary shelf size
abnormal palatal mesenchymal cell proliferation
abnormal palatal shelf morphology
abnormal palatal shelf bone ossification
palatal shelves fail to meet at midline
abnormal palatal rugae morphology
cleft palate
cleft secondary palate
abnormal palatal shelf elevation
abnormal tongue morphology
abnormal tongue position
decreased tongue size
abnormal neural tube morphology
absent floor plate
abnormal facial morphology
decreased maxillary shelf size
absent nasal bone
small nasal bone
abnormal palatal mesenchymal cell proliferation
abnormal palatal shelf morphology
abnormal palatal shelf bone ossification
palatal shelves fail to meet at midline
cleft upper lip
unilateral cleft upper lip
abnormal palatal rugae morphology
cleft palate
cleft secondary palate
abnormal palatal shelf elevation
abnormal tongue morphology
abnormal tongue position
decreased tongue size
abnormal nasal septum cartilage morphology
abnormal vomeronasal cartilage morphology
abnormal vomeronasal organ morphology
large nasal septum
thick nasal septum
abnormal snout morphology
broad snout
short snout
abnormal head shape
preaxial polydactyly
prenatal lethality, complete penetrance
nervous system
abnormal vomeronasal organ morphology
abnormal neural tube morphology
absent floor plate
optic nerve hypoplasia
respiratory system
absent nasal bone
small nasal bone
abnormal nasal septum cartilage morphology
abnormal vomeronasal cartilage morphology
abnormal vomeronasal organ morphology
large nasal septum
thick nasal septum
abnormal cranium morphology
abnormal basisphenoid bone morphology
impaired ossification of basisphenoid bone
short Meckel's cartilage
abnormal cranial cartilage development
small frontal bone
small parietal bone
abnormal mandible morphology
short mandible
abnormal maxilla morphology
decreased maxillary shelf size
abnormal premaxilla morphology
small maxilla
absent nasal bone
small nasal bone
abnormal palatine bone morphology
small zygomatic bone
abnormal nasal septum cartilage morphology
abnormal vomeronasal cartilage morphology
abnormal intramembranous bone ossification
abnormal palatal shelf bone ossification
delayed intramembranous bone ossification
optic nerve hypoplasia
abnormal eye development
View phenotypes and curated references for all genotypes (concatenated display).
In Mice Carrying this Mutation: 28 assay results
In Structures Affected by this Mutation: 29 anatomical structure(s)
Find Mice (IMSR)
Mouse strains and cell lines available from the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Carrying this Mutation:  Mouse Strains: 3 strains available      Cell Lines: 0 lines available
Carrying any Tmem107 Mutation:  21 strains or lines available
See also, data as provided by Lexicon Genetics, Inc.
Original:  J:161922 Tang T, et al., A mouse knockout library for secreted and transmembrane proteins. Nat Biotechnol. 2010 Jul;28(7):749-55
All:  7 reference(s)

Contributing Projects:
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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last database update
MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory