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Spontaneous Allele Detail
Symbol: Y(IsXPAR;Y)Ei
Name: Chr Y, insertion of X PAR region to Y PAR region, Eva Eicher; Chr Y, insertion of X pseudoautosomal region to Y pseudoautosomal region, Eicher
MGI ID: MGI:5300493
Synonyms: T8Ei, T(XA1?;InY)8Ei, Y*, Y star
Gene: Y(IsXPAR;Y)Ei  Location: unknown  Genetic Position: ChrY, Syntenic
Strain of Origin:  LT/Sv
Allele Type:    Spontaneous
Mutation:    Translocation
Mutation detailsThe Y* PAR chromosome has resulted from an end to end fusion of an X and a Y PAR. Furthermore, it was shown that in conjuction with this PAR-PAR fusion, there has been a deletion of both copies of the distally located pseudoautosomal gene Steroid sulfatase (Sts). The arrangement of the two PAR regions permits reciprocal translocation of X and Y chromatin at every meiotic event in the male resulting in half of the sperm produced bearing one of two abnormal sex chromosome. (J:60, J:48823)
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Carrying this Mutation:  Mouse Strains: 2 strains available      Cell Lines: 0 lines available
Carrying any Y(IsXPAR;Y)Ei Mutation:  3 strains or lines available
Original:  J:2277 Eicher EM, et al., The mouse Y* chromosome involves a complex rearrangement, including interstitial positioning of the pseudoautosomal region. Cytogenet Cell Genet. 1991;57(4):221-30
All:  37 reference(s)

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MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory