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Transgene Detail
Symbol: Tg(RP3-340H11)29Kel
Name: transgene insertion 29, Gavin Derek Kelsey
MGI ID: MGI:5308378
Synonyms: Tg(RP21-340H11)29Kel, TNDM29
Transgene: Tg(RP3-340H11)29Kel  Location: unknown  
Alliance: Tg(RP3-340H11)29Kel page
Strain of Origin:  (C57BL/6J x CBA/Ca)F2
Transgene Type:    Transgenic (Humanized sequence, Inserted expressed sequence)
Mutation:    Insertion
Tg(RP3-340H11)29Kel expresses 2 genes
Mutation detailsThe transgene comprises the human genomic PAC clone RP3-340H11, whose 175 kb insertion contains the overlapping genes pleiomorphic adenoma gene-like 1 (PLAGL1; also called ZAC) and hydatidiform mole associated and imprinted (non-protein coding) (HYMAI) which reside within the ~355 kb transient neonatal diabetes mellitis 1 (TNDM1) minimal interval. Southern blot analysis suggests hemizygous transgenic mice carry 5-10 copies of the PAC. Semiquantitative RT-PCR detects human PLAGL1 mRNA in multiple tissues of 2-8 day old transgenic mice; higher human/mouse transcript ratios occur when transgene inheritance is paternal than when maternal. Human HYMAI mRNA is detected in brain, pituitary, pancreas and adrenal gland of 2-8 day old transgenic mice with primers amplifying exon 2. In situ hybridization with antisense riboprobes demonstrates expression of both human PLAGL1 and HYMAI in 14.5 dpc transgenic embryos, particularly in the nervous and endocrine systems, liver, muscle and tongue, and of PLAGL1 in gut epithelium. In pancreas of 2-8 day old mice, while mouse Plagl1 and Hymai mRNAs are expressed only in exocrine cells, transcripts of both human orthologs also are expressed in the islets; islet expression continues into adulthood. (J:91709)
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Carrying this Mutation:  Mouse Strains: 2 strains available      Cell Lines: 0 lines available
A second transgenic line, designated TNDM35, was estimated to carry 2-5 copies of the PAC, expressed the human transcripts at lower levels than TNDM29 and did not exhibit the early hyperglycemic phenotype. (J:91709)
Original:  J:91709 Ma D, et al., Impaired glucose homeostasis in transgenic mice expressing the human transient neonatal diabetes mellitus locus, TNDM. J Clin Invest. 2004 Aug;114(3):339-48
All:  1 reference(s)

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MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory