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Trait Annotation
Mapping and Phenotype information for this QTL, its variants and associated markersJ:170533The mice used in this study were from the F16 generation of the LG/J X SM/J Advanced Intercross Line (Wustl:LG,SM-G16).The authors indicated 70 trait-specific QTL mapping to 64 locations,and of these 70 a total of 17 are significant at the genome-wide level. Fifty three are significant at the chromosome level. The 17 genome wide significant QTL are indicated with an '*' and can be viewed here on their respective chromosome mapping records (NCBI37/mm9).The authors mentioned that phenotypic variation in response to glucosestresswas indicated by using an intraperitoneal injection of 0.01 ml of 10% glucose solution pergram of body weight. The measurements taken over the course of 2 hours were used to calculate the area under the curve (AUC), which was used as overall measure of glucose tolerance. Phenotypes were as follows:AUC_10wks indicates under the curve at 10 weeksAUC_20wks indicates area under the curve at 20 weeksbGLC_10wks indicates basal glucose level at 10 weeksbGLC_20wks indicates basal glucose level at 20 weeks,GLC indicates serum glucose level at necropsyINS indicates serum insulin level at necropsyChr MGI Author Pheno LOD Peak Mb 5 prime 3 Prime13 Ddiab42 Ddiab13a AUC_20wks 3.06 29.67 21.92 33.3613 Ddiab43 Ddiab13b bGLC_10wks 2.7 40.51 39.41 41.8313 Ddiab44 Ddiab13c bGLC_10wks 2.73 61.03 57.9 62.9913 *Ddiab45 Ddiab13d INS 4.56 68.92 67.81 73.3313 Ddiab46 Ddiab13e AUC_20wks 3.24 87.1 86.46 88.3913 Ddiab47 Ddiab13f AUC_20wks 3.83 96.15 93.17 97.7113 Ddiab48 Ddiab13g bGLC_10wks 3.07 105.42 104.62 107.0913 *Ddiab49 Ddiab13h AUC_10wks 4.75 114.7 112.87 119.1213 Ddiab49 Ddiab13h AUC_20wks 2.91 116.61 |
References |
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO) |
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last database update 12/17/2024 MGI 6.24 |
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